As the spider creeps toward its prey, the spider is counting on the element of surprise. The reason is that the spider knows that camouflage is the only way it can get the upper hand because without that, the spider wouldn’t stand a chance. This is the case with two movements that are gaining ground in America, and we the citizens are ignorant, apathetic, or blind to what is happening right under their noses. These two movements didn’t just break the door down and shout “I’m here!” Instead these movements started testing the water one toe at a time and with no one telling them to stop, they felt bold enough to drop both feet in the water. So inch by inch, along with shrewd thinking, these movements have captured the hearts of many unsuspecting souls and are now standing just like they have been here all the time. And the confusing thing is, people act like that is the case by their acceptance of these innovations, and they don’t realize they are giving approval to what is wrong in the eyes of the Lord (Ecclesiastes 5:1).
Homosexuality Thirty years ago, America didn’t have as many people standing up and demanding the acceptance of homosexuality. I want to remind everybody that homosexuality is a human innovation, it came along after the Lord established the male and female relationship (Genesis 2:18-25). Also, I want everyone to reflect upon the fact that no one has come into existence though a same-sex union. The reason for that is, it is not what God meant for man; instead homosexual unions are the product of man’s wandering ambitions as he drifts farther and farther away from the authority of God’s word (Eccl. 7:29; Romans 3:10-12). People speak of “traditional marriage”, but that phrase is error because there is no such thing; God created only “marriage” (Hebrews 13:4; Matt. 19:4-6). And the warning is, “let not liberal thinking men and women put asunder what God has joined together” (Matt. 19:6). Also these matters are made worse by so-called churches who don’t stand for the truth on marriage. These weak, unsound churches will approve the voices of the people who are demanding homosexuality, rather then correct them. In such cases we remember what Jesus said about the blind leading the blind (Matt. 15:13, 7:15). The argument about homosexuality being equal to black civil rights, is weak at best. The Bible addresses racism and teaches that it is sinful (1 Samuel 16:7; Act 10:28, 34-35). Separately the Bible addresses homosexuality and teaches it is sinful (Genesis 19:5-8, 2 Peter 2:6-8; Jude 7; Romans 1:24-32). As for trying to pull the wool over the unknowing eyes of people, another argument saying that man is ‘born gay’ popped up. That, too, is false and just another baited hook by Satan in order to catch unsuspecting souls (2 Corinthians 2:11; 1 Peter 5:8). The Bible teaches that sin is learned and that when man is born, he is born “safe” or without sin (Eccl 7:29). As man continues on earth, he becomes tempted by what he sees and finally partakes thereby committing sin for the first time (James 1:12-16). We see this happening with Adam, after he ate of the fruit and his understanding was open and he realized he had sinned by violating God’s law (Gen. 3:1-7; Romans 5:12; 1 John 3:4; Rom. 1:26). The verdict according to God’s word is every person who is gay became gay by their choice of that lifestyle. These people got caught up in the gay movement and began viewing the same sex as appealing and engaged in sexual acts with others, thereby opening the door and establishing their place in the world of homosexuality (Rom. 1:24-32). Homosexuality should cease and people should return to what God created and called “good” (Gen 1:27, 31). Islam Across America some say they are muslim and that they submit to Allah. To our muslim friends we say the following, Jesus Christ was in the beginning (John 1:1). Jesus is God (John 20:28, 10:30). Jesus was the only one fit to die for the sins of men (1 Cor. 15:3-4). Jesus was the only one who died and was raised to live forever more (Revelation 1:8). Jesus is now at the right hand of God with angels and authority being given unto Him (1 Peter 3:21-22). Jesus will return and judge all who ever lived on the Day of Judgment (Matt. 25:31-46). Jesus was no prophet or great teacher but the Messiah (Matt 16:13-17). Moses wrote about the coming of Jesus (Deuteronomy 18:15-18; Acts 3:20-24). In the name of Jesus Christ, all men on earth are to be saved because no other name has salvation (Acts 4:12). You see, Islam takes men away from the truth and points men in the direction of another, who most definitely isn’t Jesus Christ. When it concerns other doctrines which come after Jesus, the Bible tells us to not get involved (Galatians 1:6-9; Romans 16:17-18). However, that isn’t the case with our nation, instead many didn’t avoid these doctrines but embraced and promoted them. Going back some thirty or forty years, how many muslims did we have in America? Not as many as we do today because more people believed in Christ, but now the beliefs of other nations have entered our land and promoted itself inch by inch, and now we have mosques just about everywhere. So what does all of this show? It shows that inch by inch, the muslim goals have arrived in America and that many have embraced the doctrine of Islam. But this can all be reversed by men and women accepting Jesus Christ as the author of salvation and leaving everything else alone (Heb. 5:9). ~James Baker Comments are closed.
December 2012