~by James Baker Yes, we all have heard about rogue cops. They exist. The bible speaks of evil being where righteousness is supposed to be. Eccl 3:16. Luke 3:14.
But I don?t want to talk about crooked cops. I want to talk about cops out there doing their job and that is to protect and to serve. Rom 13:3-4. I support the police because they like everyone else are out there to do their jobs and that requires putting their lives on the line with every service call. I respect that and pray for the success of their work. In this world evil threatens and the first thing people do is call 911 and they should; for it is the life line for anyone in danger. And true to the oath they have taken, the police arrive to save people from whatever the danger is. Think about it for a moment. A victim is hiding in a closet whispering on a cell phone to a 911 operator as a burglar is ransacking the house. In another place a frighten person is hiding in a bathroom with a chair up against the door while a shooter is stalking helpless victims in the office. The arrival of the police is the only hope to those in need of a savior and that is what officers do. While others run away from danger, they run to it. They don?t come on the scene to cause trouble, they come on scene to stop it. There has been too much bad press and fabricated accusations made against officers. If this continues, it is going to affect the moral of these brave officers and they will feel unappreciated and I for one don?t want that. Policing isn't supposed to be a thankless job; it is supposed to be a highly praised job. In every case an offender is active in wrong doing. A phone call is made and the police arrive; for they have been invited by the call. Police are authority figures, they are to be respected because of the badge and everyone is supposed to submit to their authority. But we see defiance against officers by offenders. And don?t forget that someone in the neighborhood called because they saw criminal activity going on. People then take out their cell phones and record the confrontation, hoping to use it against officers and that is just plain wrong. A person is already in the wrong if they are breaking the law. They don?t have a leg to stand on and the one who called the police knows that as well, for that is why the police were called. First of all, man needs to obey the law so that police don?t have to be called. And if they are called, man must respect them and comply with their command so they can access the situation and get things under control. Offenders are to submit to the command of the officer, lay the weapons down and show his hands. But they don?t do that. They become rebellious and make it worst. The police struggling with a person who refuses to comply don?t make the matter worst; the offender do. All the police are trying to do is bring the situation to a peaceful conclusion. When police are called, they must complete the mission. They are the law and the law doesn't submit to criminals. If the offender refuses to comply that person must be subdued. Just the other day, an unknown man entered a woman home and the police were called. They arrived quickly and confronted the man, telling him three times to drop the knife and show his hands. The offender refused and lunged at the officers to which they shot him dead. This was a clean shot and we don?t need cell phone video criticizing the police. We need praise for them. In conclusion, the police aren't the problem; law breaking citizens are. Offenders have the remote control in their hands, not the police. If a person would do the right thing, he wouldn't be out there breaking the law and the police would never need to be called. I say to people, don?t break the law, do what is right and you won't have to worry about having a meeting with police. And to those who call the police, you are calling because you want criminal activity to cease. So act like you do. Get on the police side and help them bring the situation to a peaceful end. Comments are closed.
December 2019