This is a movement of the last few years sweeping though the land and claiming the police are seeking out and executing black men. It is 2016 and there is so much stuff floating around out there, just take your pick of what you wish to believe, for one will have no shortage of stuff to believe if he wants to get caught up in something. I would like to discuss this topic with you from the principles of God’s word; so, I want to ask you to lay aside your views and just study with me and we shall approach this topic from several angles.
All Lives Matter Life is the precious gift from God, and He alone has made that possible (Genesis 2:7). Man is so twisted he cannot provide anything for anyone. Man must depend on God for all things (Psalms 146:1-10). No one should threaten the life of another. The reason, as I have said, is because no one can give life, so they surely should not be taking it. The lives of the police are important. No one should be acting in such a way that places our officers in fear for their lives. When a person places an officer’s life in jeopardy, that person is doing evil. Whether one likes it or not, the lives of criminals are also important. Police should not place black men’s lives in danger if circumstances do not warrent it. I would never put a “black lives matter” sign in my yard. I don’t want to be sending a message about black men only. Instead, I would put up a sign saying “Lives matter” Meaning I’m promoting the value of any kind of human life, and the color is of no concern. Corrupt Policemen Rouge cops exist. Corruption, according to the word of the Lord can be found in places that were created for the purpose of rendering justice (Ecclesiates 3:16). Because all men are fallible, the odds of doing wrong is there. Who knows why a police officer goes bad. All we know is that there are some officers who are like the ones that John the Baptist had to rebuke. In Luke 3:10-14, we see him telling them to stop taking bribes. The temptation, the power of being a cop and many other things will overtake an officer if he does not make the commitment to do right. We have also seen cops who are trigger happy. These officers don’t plan on doing wrong, it just happens because they spook very easly. I would suppose that in police academies, it would be better for the instructors to improve their classes on quick response. If a person is reaching for his wallet to show his driver’s licence and gets shot, we would have to be concerned about the officer’s reaction to his movement. But this, in no way, makes all police officers bad. Every time we call the police for help; we hope to get a good officer to come and save us. However, it is possible that a rouge cop, who is doing evil things, might answer some of our calls. Authority Police are representatives of the law; they are law men. The law trumps everything because all are to be subjected to the law, and when people disrespect law, they disrespect what they are to be in obedience to (Romans 13:1-7). The police should be respected by the community because they put their lives on the line to protect and serve. When the officer gives an order, that command must be obeyed because it represents authority speaking. The law is the law and authority cannot back down from anyone or anything. When the police are called, they must settle the problem to which they have been called and that is not up for discussion. CitizensCitizens are the people of a community (Mark 10:42). They have no authority, but they live under the powers that exist. They must submit themselves to the laws of the land and they must respect the figures of authority that have been put into exisitence for their own good. Committing Crimes This is illegal activity which has no right to exist because it is violation of the law (Luke 10:30). No person has any business commiting a crime and once that is done, the person is inviting the police to come and arrest him. If a guy is walking down the street firing a weapon, he is breaking the law. Someone calls the police for help and when they arrive their mission is to stop the gunman. The police cannot fail to do their duty because they are authority and authority cannot back down from evil. So the man must cease his violation or face being arrested or whatever else might happen in the course of the take down. When a police officer tells a criminal to drop his weapon,the person is supposed to do so. If that doesn’t happen the police must make him do so, and there is no room for failure. When a person is doing something that is wrong and resists the police when confronted, it will not end well for that person. Consider that an offender has the remote control in his hands in the confrontation. The terror can be over in a minute if the offender would simply comply with the officer’s command. But for the most part it doesn’t happen that way. The offender challenges the police, a situtation develops and in the process things get wild and the offender gets shot because of his stubborness. So why didn’t he respect the police and drop his weapon and come out with his hands up? Remember that the offender has no right to be doing what he is doing and he also has the power to make the whole problem go away. All he has to do is comply. But we see these offenders prolonging the situation by firing on officers, taking hostages, etc. I have been stopped by officers and some of them might have been rogue cops. However, I remembered what the Bible said about giving a soft reply to cool down wrath (Proverbs 15:1). I obeyed the officer, didn’t have a smart mouth, respected him and on one occasion apologized for driving in such a way that caused him to have to pull me over. I have never had a problem with an officer. I respected them, they checked me out, and let me go. I did not fight with them in the street or cause them to have to call for back up to help subdue me. I say to all black men, comply with the officers and respect them. Don’t get an attitude and talk back or try to fight them. If you do that, it will not end well for you. Let the officer do his job, even if you do think he stopped you because you are black. Just respect him for his badge, and you will be alright. And above all things, do not commit crimes! By doing so, you cause the police to be drawn toward you because someone will call them. Doing stupid stuff like robbing, selling drugs or other crap will get you in much trouble. Remember you must do what is right. Many people do not like young black men, and you cannot help your case if you are committing crimes and fighting with the police. Do the right thing black men! I can say this because I am also a black man. Protests Protests are huge crowds of people gathered or marching against something which they consider to be wrong. In the Bible we can read of such gatherings (Acts 5:34-37, 19:24-34). And what we learn form the Biblical prospective is, these gatherings weren’t exactly sound. In the black lives matter movement, many have joined to form huge masses of people who cry out. Though peaceful protest is legal, I would never advise anyone to join any movement if they aren’t sure that the movement is sound. With that being said, I could never join black lives matter because I don’t believe it is sound. I refuse to march for criminals who would not obey the police’s orders and consequently ended up getting killed. Such a guy is behaving as a thug does and others are expected to form a movement in his honor? (1 Timothy 5:22). I don’t think so! Now, it is possible that a person could have been shot by police for no reason, and I have mention such in this article. And if it can be proven that such is the case, then people need to cry out loud and clear. People from all over ought to join a protest to condemn a police officer who tainted the badge. But, looking back over what has been shown in this country, it appears that innocent men getting shot is most likely not the case. If a man is involved in a crime and police are called to stop him, and he refuses to comply and ends up getting shot. I would feel highly uncomfortable marching on behalf of man who was committing a crime and refused police orders. Final Word To Black Men This country has racist people living in it seeking ways to make fun of or do some kind of damage to another group. The fact is alarming and will always be with us. But, a black man cannot complain that a white man is holding him back. I say to black men, change your lives. Don’t live up to the racist persons views by using profane speech, walking around with your pants hanging off your butt and showing your underwear. Quit selling drugs, get a real honest job, seek education, quit shooting guns, and having babies out of wedlock. Clean yourself up, take control of your life and give no racist a justified reason to speak against you. The power is in your hands, so do it black men! ~James Baker Comments are closed.
December 2019