ForewordI don't know the authors of this writing, and I have published several of their letters in the past and will probably do so again. I'm not asking you to donate to their organization, but I do ask you to listen to the words that they have written. I ask that because the message is sound, and the end result is truth.
James Baker, preacher of Mt. Airy church of Christ Sin will make people do stupid things!It's pure nonsense! In my last newsletter, I informed you that the absurd Bathroom issue in Houston Texas is back in full force. Houston?s lesbian mayor, Annise Parker won't stop until she makes Houston a model homosexual city. This time the people of Houston will have a chance to vote on the infamous "bathroom" issue! As you may recall, last year Mayor Parker subpoenaed the sermons of five Houston pastors. She was clearly targeting them because of their firm stand and support of natural marriage. I was invited to Houston and held a joint press conference along with Rev. Dave Welch and thirty pastors asking Mayor Parker to withdraw the subpoenas. I want you to know that we held the press conference in the morning and by late afternoon, Mayor Parker withdrew the subpoenas. CAAP is a ministry of action and when we act, things get done! So to summarize, the Mayor and majority of Houston's City Council passed an Equal Rights Ordinance that places sexual orientation,gender identity and gender expression as protected characteristics equal to legitimate classes such as race, sex and religion. This ordinance allows men who at any moment declare their gender expression as female to use women?s bathrooms, showers and locker rooms. It also creates criminal punishment for business owners or employees including of non-church owned religious non-profit organizations interfering with such a threat to women's safety and privacy. These ordinances are part of the same national agenda declaring God's moral law design of marriage and even male and female to be a lie. It would also criminally punish a Christian baker, florist, photographer, etc. who declined to provide service for a same-sex ceremony. This ordinance is a threat to the safety of our women and girls, a threat against freedom of religious expression and basic, God-given, Constitutionally-guaranteed rights. Mayor Parker and those who support this nonsense are bullies. So, through a massive referendum effort of very diverse coalition of pastors and churches in Houston and a year-long court battle to win back the right to vote, this ordinance is on the ballot for a VOTE of the people this November 3, 2015. Yes, less than one month away! I am needed in Houston. I have been invited to Houston. I need you to help me with a financial donation of any amount TODAY. I want to hold a press conference telling Ms. Parker and her twisted colleagues that the people of Houston don't want men sharing bathrooms and showers with women and girls. Its common sense. However, sin will blind you to the truth. Sin will make a person do stupid things. Consider allowing men who wake up thinking they feel like a woman the right to use the same bathroom as your daughter, mother, sister, wife, etc. It would be laughable, if we didn't have a real threat of losing this battle. You see, the other side is well-funded and they put their money where they want to win. Houston is big! We need you to help us help Houston by spreading the word to VOTE NO on November 3rd on Proposition 1, which was dubbed HERO Houston's Equal Rights Bathroom Ordinance. The only heroes should be the people who stand up to this nonsense. We need to return to common sense principles. If this law is passed in Houston, you can believe it will spread to other cities. It should not happen under our watch. I am trying desperately to do my part. Will you help me? If you can support us with a $100.00 donation, please do so TODAY. Please look here for the 5 essential things you need to know about HERO. Remember, this may seem like it affects only one city, but what we're really seeing is the beginning of the next push to change our culture. Please help us fight this and all other efforts to dismantle the family and silence people of faith. Click here to donate now and send your best gift today. No donation is too small and all donations are greatly appreciated. You may donate by credit card on our website or mail your check. We also accept PayPal donations. Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support. Deborah and I need your prayers, so thank you for praying!! Your brother and sister in Christ, William (Bill ) and Deborah Owens Comments are closed.
December 2019