There are a lot of people quoting the Bible and claiming to be religious, and it is certainly right for all who profess Christianity to teach others. But one must keep in mind that scriptures can be misquoted and misued (2 Peter 3:15-16). Always listen carefully to what is told to you; afterward look just as carefully at the scripture that is given as proof of the contention. What the person has said must be the same as is taught by that scripture.
On another note, some people blame God for the hardships they endure. For example, a person will say in regard to his bad female relationships, "I cannot understand why God wants me to suffer so much." Just why does God have to be blamed for this person's suffering? Could it be that this person makes bad choices concerning women, and it is that which is making his life hard? When a person fails to live as the word of God teaches, that person will fall into many pits and dungeons and will continue to do so as long as he walks according to his bad choices. In Proverbs 13:15, the Bible teaches that the way of the transgressor is hard. So, none should blame God for their troubles, instead people must take a look at themselves. Hope to hear from you or to see you at the services. In the Bible you can read of Jesus Christ speaking out against the false religion of the Scribes and Pharisees, and for doing so, they tried to kill him (John 7:1, 11-13, 19-26; John 8:37-40). When a religion places a death sentence on anyone who either quits the religion or speaks against it, such should serve to make people wary of that religion. Christianity is the faith founded by the son of God, Jesus Christ, Himself; and there is salvation only in Him (Acts 4:12, 11:26). But know this, Jesus will not kill you, or have you locked up in jail, if you refuse to become a Christian. Jesus doesn't force Himself upon any person, but rather He said, "let him who will, come," (Matthew 11:28-30, Revelation 22:17).
With Jesus, one will never see a so called "holy war" being fought against those who are considered infidels, nor an overthrow of the government, nor a terrorist plot to put fear into people for not choosing to be Christians (Matt. 26:52-54, John 18:36). Serving Jesus Christ is a choice, not an order. You have free will, and yes God would love to have you be a Christian, serving Him, but the choice is yours. Hope to hear from you or to see you at the services. |