We heard the mayoral candidates speak about plans to end the rising murder rate. Well, I've got news for them. The murder rate isn't just confined to this city; it is everywhere. And sin is the reason why people kill.
That's right—I said sin! Now most people don't want to hear about the Bible, church, and God. They think there is a way to end the problems of life without the word of God. Well, that isn't true. Men need the direction of God, and no politician's plan will outshine that (Jeremiah 17:5–8; Jer . 10:23). Murder exists because of individuals, and it will cease when each person quits sinning. Robbers, drug dealers, violent people, hookers, etc., must repent and stop the evil. The Lord has commanded all to repent, and right now is the time to do so (Acts 17:30; Acts 2:38; Luke 13:3; Matthew 3:7–8; Jonah 3:4–10). Cities are in dangerous situations because men aren't obeying the word of God. Be assured that if we live like we want, and act like we want, there will be trouble (Isaiah 48:22; Judges 21:25.) Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. This is only for people who believe the Bible to be God's word.
When Moses relationship with God was at it's highest, he felt comfortable enough to ask God to show His face (Exodus 33:12–23). He was so in awe that he didn't realize what he asked was not possible for man. God told Moses, "no man can view my face and live," (Ex. 33:20). In 1 Timothy 6:16, the Apostle Paul writes, "God dwells in greatness so awesome that no man can come (physically) near." Philip, one of the Apostles, thought he could view the face of the Father, but he was rebuked by Christ (John 14:6–11). Jesus then taught Philip that one could see the Father by observing and learning from the wonderful works that were being done (John 14:8–9). The lesson for us is, don't look for the physical view of God; instead look for God in the works of righteousness. When you see a person living a holy life, you are seeing God though the works of that person (1 Peter 1:14–16). As for seeing Him as He really is, one must make it to heaven in order to experience that (1 John 3:2–3). This is only for people who believe the Bible to be God's word.
"Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven," (Mark 10:14). In Genesis 42:22 Reuben, a brother of Joseph, said; "Didn't I tell you not to sin against the child"? These two verses speak of the value of children—the innocent ones who depend upon adults to care for them. However, adults do behave badly and put children at risk. The Bible calls upon all adults to treat and raise their children in the right way. Which means no murdering or injuring the child. Don't teach your children bad habits, by word or example. Also, children need to learn, so educate your children in secular studies, and not only that, but start bringing them to church so they can learn about the Lord (Ephesians 6:1–4). And guess what? You will too. Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. This is only for people who believe the Bible to be God's word.
This past year has shown just how evil man can be. Just look at the amazing increase in murders throughout American cities. Life in the eyes of many people is cheap and just like stepping on a bug. People will kill over here; they will rape over there; and steal down the road. Back before God sent the flood upon the earth, He observed the evil which men were dishing out on each other, and it saddened God to see this kind of behavior (Genesis 6:5–7). The evil of man still sickens the Creator and just because it may seem that He isn't around, you can be assured that He is (Proverbs 15:3). We now have been blessed to enter a new year, and there is no magic stick to wave and make evil go away. Evil is stopped when a person comes to his or her senses and realizes that a sinful life isn't right (Luke 13:3; Luke 15:17–19; Acts 2:28). We invite you to study the Bible with us and learn what the word of God has to say in order to change from a sinful life to one that pleases God. The way of God isn't popular, but it is the only way that will make your life better for eternity (John 14:6; Matthew 24:35; 1 Corinthians 6:9–11). Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. |