There has always been talk about dinosaurs, and we know they lived because we have their bones in museums. In the beginning, God created all creatures that fly, swim, walk, crawl and breath (Genesis 1:20-26). With a statement like that, we know that dinosaurs were included. So the dinosaurs are like lost cities of old—they are all extinct. But the work of God’s hands can still be seem in gators, lizards, flying mammals like bats or strange looking sea creatures, etc.
Extinction is nothing new, and it takes nothing away from the fact that God created the heavens and earth and all creatures big and small. Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. Pearl Harbor day comes every December 7th, and its observance reminds us of what happen on that fateful day in 1944. It is good for the country to remember those who lost their lives and how they fought for our freedoms. However, there are other things that we also need to remember.
The rainbow is not just a freak act of nature; it is a reminder of God’s pledge not to destroy the earth with a flood as He did during Noah’s day (Genesis 9:8-17). The next time that this earth will face destruction is on Judgment Day, when God shall destroy the earth and its works with fire (2 Peter 3:10-13). In church on Sunday, the communion is the act created by Jesus so that we can remember His death on the cross for the sins of all mankind. By eating the bread and drinking the cup, in memory of His sacrifice, we honor Him (Luke 22:13-20; Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 10:16-17, 11:23-29). And last but not least, all young people need to remember that while they are young, that it is the best time to serve their Creator (Ecclesiastes 12:1). Their minds and bodies are fresh, and that is when they can do the most for God. An older person can serve God, but God can get so much more out of a younger person who accepts Him. So let us remember these things along with Pearl Harbor. Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. |