You’ve shown interest in physical things; so how about interest in spiritual things?
This is your invitation to hear Murray Wade of the Oakridge TN, church of Christ, speak from the word of God. On November 5th, times are 10:15 am and 11:15 am. So, come on out, get some knowledge from the word of the Lord. Be sure to bring your Bibles or if you don’t have one, one will be provided for you. Say what one will about guns, knives, cars, trucks, bomb making material, etc. That stuff can be banned from the Earth. But unless men repent, give up their evil thoughts, give up listening to false teachers telling them to kill everyone who doesn’t submit to a certain religion, etc., there will still be evil among us!
The problem is the heart and if that doesn’t change, the evil doers will still find a way to commit horrible acts (Matthew 15:18-20). Repentance must be personal, beginning with people looking at their lives to see if the way they live compares to the values of the word of God (Matt. 7:12). So to the person thinking about going on a murderous rampage. Don’t! That is Satan trying to convince you to do a damnable act. Resist him. Change your life, quit the evil thoughts and seek God. The word of the Lord is ancient, everlasting, and untouchable by any foe (Isaiah 55:8-11; Jeremiah 36:22-32). Because the Lord is God, He knows all and the word which He gives needs no upgrade to make it compatible with the times. For God’s word is fitted to last though every generation and will judge man at the end (John 12:48; Matthew 24:35; 1 Peter 1:23-25). In our progressive times men seek changes; they want to change ancient landmarks which the word of God has established to last forever (Matt. 19:4-6).
But that will not be the case because it is man not God who must change (Malachi 3:6). God’s word will outlast the liberal thinking people of today, and the word which they called “outdated,” will judge them on the last day (Revelation 20:12). People also say they don’t want to be dinosaurs. To which we say; “if you stay with the word of God, you won’t be a dinosaur; for they are extinct. People who follow the word of God don’t become extinct, they last forever (1 John 2:15-17). So pay no attention to the dinosaur label, for such is an attempt by progressives as they drift farther away from the word which God has ordain (Deuteronomy 28:15-68; Psalms 9:17; 2 John 8). When Jonah’s warning reached the king of Nineveh, he took off his royal robe, covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in the dust. He said “Do not let people or animals, herds or flocks, taste anything; do not let them eat or drink. But let people and animals be covered with sackcloth. Let everyone call urgently on God. Let them give up their evil ways and their violence” Jonah 3:1-10.
Say what one will about guns, knives, car’s, trucks, bomb making material, etc. That stuff can be banned from the earth. But unless men repent, give up their evil thoughts, give up listening to false teachers telling them to kill everyone who doesn’t submit to a certain religion. etc There will still be evil among us! The problem is the heart and if that doesn’t change; the evil doers will still find a way to commit horrible acts (Matthew 15:18-20). Repentance must be personal, beginning with people looking at their lives to see if the way they live compares to the values of the word of God (Matt. 7:12). So to the person thinking about going on a murderous rampage. Don’t do it! That is Satan trying to convince you to do a damnable act. Resist him. Change your life, quit the evil thoughts and seek to learn the ways of the Lord! Don’t aspire to be politically correct—just be correct because there is a difference. Political correction originated in the mind of men, as they attempt to please every fiber of thought in existence. They will say, “Don’t do this or you will offend the ?????” “Or don’t say such because, ??? doesn’t like it.” etc. etc.
Obeying the word of God, demands that we speak as our Creator speaks and to define things as He does (Matthew 15:1-21). God’s ways aren’t man’s and He will never yield to what man has dreamed up (Acts 17:30; Isaiah 55:8-9). God teaches us, and I mean all who wish to see him in peace after death (2 Corinthians 5:10; Matt. 25:31-46). To teach the truth as He has given it, and all that doesn’t conform with truth is indeed erroneous. And men will remain in error until they come to their senses and understand that they must obey the word of God in the manner which He gave it (2 Kings 5:1-14). |