We had a mass shooting in Florida last week and unfortunately in some other place, another wicked act is being devised by someone. The problem is, we can’t stop it because we don’t know who or where that monster is. Reason being, all evil plots originate in the heart and who knows what evil is growing in men? (Matthew 15:19).
This is why mass killings are hard to prevent because we would have to possess the eyes of God to know (Psalm 94:9). Some are blaming the President, FBI, schools, NRA, etc. Well, blame if you wish. Destroy the right to bear arms, have no gun found anywhere in the USA. But if we think that will make us safe, we will be in for a big surprise. Remember that guns are just available tools for killers. Take away guns and killers will use homemade bombs, knives, cars, trucks, poisons, acid throwing and probably a bomb carrying drone. etc The problem is the heart of man. That is why the church of the Lord is preaching that men must repent (Luke 24:47). Man must change his ways and become as the word of God teaches (Romans 6:1-18). One of the commandment is “Thou shall not murder” (Romans 13:9). Men need to obey this commandment and all others (James 1:22-25). The scriptures are calling for all men to change your ways! (Luke 13:3; Jonah 3:8; Acts 2:38; Mark 1:15; Acts 17:30). Look at a lot of places in Philadelphia, and you will see neighborhoods covered with trash, abandon cars, mattresses, stoves, furniture, boxes, garbage, paper, etc.
This trash didn’t just fall from the sky—it was placed there by people. I’m talking about people who have no sense of pride, decency, respect for others or the laws which prohibit dumping. These are people to whom laws mean nothing. They are like animals, caring about nothing but their own agenda. And if that agenda is served by having their dog leave his waste in front of your house, so be it (Proverbs 2:12-15). Attitudes like this is no way for humans to live. Man must answer to God after death, so why go before Him with a resume of evil works? (2 Corinthians 5:10). Man must learn what laws he is obligated to and obey those laws (1 Peter 2:13-17). Man needs to start showing respect by doing whatever he can not to offend or endanger others (Prov. 3:29). We must make people better by our encounters with them. A person who isn’t right in the eyes of God must be afraid of death because it means eternal damnation with no rest for the wicked as they burn in fire and brimstone (Psalms 9:17; Matthew 3:7-12, 5:21-22, 13:38-43, 25:41-46; Mark 9:43-48; Acts 24:24-25; Romans 2:1-16; 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10; 2 Peter 2:4-9; Jude 6, 7, 15; Revelation 20:10-15).
According to the word of God, many who were happy in life are now unhappy after death because they now know how serious life was and how permanent death is (2 Samuel 12:23; Job 7:7-10). A robber is a person who will burglarize property, uses a weapon or strong arms victims of their goods (Obadiah 5; Luke 12:33,39; Luke 10:30; Exodus 22:3,4,7,8; John 18:40; 2 Corinthians 11:26).
After the harm is done to the victim, the robber enjoys the fruits of his spoils and thinks about the next victim (Proverbs 1:1-14). But, robbers fail to understand the eyes of God are watching, and He has made it very clear that the career of a robber won’t last because his own works will destroy him (Proverbs 15:3, 21:7; Psalms 94:9-11). God has commanded man not to steal but to do honest work for a living (Ephesians 4:28). Yet, we continue to see people enticed to commit robbery and even add murder to the evil actions because victims refuse to give up their goods. Possessions belong to those who work honestly to achieve, and not to some loser who comes along pointing a weapon and demanding that they give it up. People work hard to buy their televisions, but some person breaks in and carries it off. A person works hard for a paycheck, but someone attacks him at the atm and runs off with the cash. This behavior has got to end, and it will when offenders get locked up, die, or the end of the world comes (Hebrews 4:13). No robbing! Get a job! |