This past weeks has shown just how evil man can be all over the world. Just look at the amazing increase in murders though out the globe. Life in the eyes of many people is cheap, and just like stepping on a bug. People will kill over here, they will rape over there, and steal down the road. Back before God sent the flood upon the earth, He observed the evil which men were dishing out on each other, and it sadden God to see this kind of behavior. Gen 6:5-7. The evil of man still sickens the Creator and just because it may seem that He isn’t around, you can be assured that He is. Pro 15:3.
We now have been blessed to enter a new week and there is no magic stick to wave and make evil go away. Evil is stopped when a person comes to his or her senses, and realizes that a sinful life isn’t right. Luke 13:3. Luke 15:17-19. Acts 2:28. We invite you to study the Bible with us and learn what the word of God has to say in order to change from a sinful life to one which pleases God. The way of God isn’t popular, but it is the only way which will make life better. John 14:6. Matt 24:35.1 Cor 6:9-11. Karma it isn’t. Karma isn’t real and it sure isn’t a personality. Pay back is from God. Rom 12.19. You reap what you sow. Gal 6.7. Pro 26.27. Matt 26.51-52. Rev 13.10. There is a lot of killing and shootings in neighborhoods and that isn’t the police fault. Police do what they can with what they have. The problem is the person or persons out there shooting. This problem is individual has to be solved individually. Each person with a weapon must repent. Each person with a weapon must accept the gospel of Jesus Christ and allow the message of God to save them from their sins. Rom 1:14-17. Mark 1.15. Roman 10.8-15. Col 1.5. Isa 1.16-20. Each person with a weapon must realize that maiming or killing someone is a sin because it is murder and that isn’t following the golden rule. Matt 5.21. Matt 7.12. 1 Pt 3.10. Gal 5.14. The way to stop the killing is stop sinning. We are now paying the price for human behavior to exist and not believe in God or His holy word. Man does as he pleases and if that means killing someone then so be it. Jer 16.12.
There has been a lot of good people killed in the violence; but I also believe that some of the dead were criminals and they simply reaped what they had sown. Years ago in Hartford CN, an elderly man trying to cross the street was injured by a hit and run driver. The unbelievable thing was, a street camera caught people observing him lying in the street and they just passed by and did nothing. It is incredible that others can see someone in need and feel no responsibility to help. But in about five minutes, someone finally stopped and gave assistance to this poor man. The story made headlines on several major TV and cable news shows, and it just proved how self centered man is.
In the Bible, Jesus told of a man who also suffered in the same way, after he was attacked by muggers on a road to Jericho. That man was beaten, robbed, and left lying on the road, ignored by other travelers. Luke 10:30-35. But the lesson Jesus gave us from this account of the “Good Samaritan’ is to not be self centered, but to go and give help if you can, and where you can. Luke 10:36-37. We hope after reading this that you will visit the Mt. Airy church of Christ; and now to our lesson.
Coming to God requires us to empty ourselves of everything that we believe and allow God to fill our minds with what He would have us to know. Acts 9:5-6. Man cannot come to God holding on to human reasoning, because God doesn't see things as man. 1 Sam 16:6-7. Isa 55:8-9. Pro 21:2. So, man must, and it?s not open for debate; adapt to God's ways and be like Him. Isa 2:2-3. 1 Pt 1:14-16. That?s not fair! Someone may say. But get this; God is inviting man to spend eternity with Him. Man cannot invite himself, the Lord does. John 14:2-3. So, man has to do what God wants if he expects to go to heaven. Matt 7:21. Besides, God has commanded men to repent, that means give up our ways. Acts 17:30. If you want a relationship with the Lord. You must become like the Lord. God isn't going to be with anyone who isn't like Him. He will not listen to the prayers of anyone who isn't like Him. John 9:31. Man must accept the fact that he must learn what God demands and walk that way, so that the Lord will be with him. John 6:45. We invite you to come and study the bible, not human creeds or today's dogma. Acts 10:33. You are looking at this bulletin and probably wondering what it is. Well, it is the weekly published by the mt airy church of Christ in Philadelphia. Our goal is to let people know about the local church
and provide some food for thought from the word of the Lord. We also hope that interested people will follow up by going to our website and viewing the material we have posted there. We also have people visiting our Sunday and Tuesday services after getting one of these and we surely want that to continue. Our God given mission is to share the word of the bible with all who have the desire to learn and we hope it?s you. We are also aware that some may not be interested and of course we respect a person right to be so. But if you have no need for our material; would you kindly leave it for someone else who might be? For it is a shame that the wonderful words of the bible should end up in a trash can. Jeremiah 36:22-32. |