Getting along with others is vital and here are some pointers. Refuse slander because it?s infectious and only contaminates. Pro 15:18. Pro 26:17-22. A person's mouth must be used for encouragement not destruction. Jas 3:8-12. Eph 4:29. Col 4:6. Lk 4:22. When people do you wrong, don't resort to violence. Physically attacking someone is based upon wrath and such actions never work righteousness. Jas 1:20. Don't be a walking time bomb; because such people are always in trouble and apologizing because of their tempers. For the bible teaches,? wrath rest?s in the bosom of fools?. Eccl 7:9.
Look at the example set by Jesus; He was slandered and suffered many wrongs, yet He didn't repay evil for evil. 1 Pt 2:21-23. Rom 12:17-21. When issues arise, men must settle them honorably. Phil 2:3-5. 1 Thess 5:15. 2 Cor 8:21. Col 3:13. Being friendly toward others cannot hurt, a smile requires a few face muscles while a frown demands more. So if you are feuding with someone and would like to work toward peace, give them a sincere greeting. If the person has the right spirit, he will respond in a positively. If not, you have done what you could. Pro 14:7 Many people are confused by the fourth of the ten commandments ,"Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy." Ex 20:8.
By going to church on Sunday, some people think they are obeying this command. But that is not the case. The ten commandments are a part of the Old Testament given to the Jews, prior to Christ death on the cross. Lk 16:16. Jesus death terminated the Old Testament and established the New Testament which is for us today. Matt 26:28. Heb 9:14-26. Heb 10:9-10. Col 2:10-17. 2 Cor 3:3-14 The Sabbath isn't part of the law of Christ and one can't keep what isn't the law of God. Rom 4:15. Also, the Sabbath was the seventh day of the week.(Saturday) And on that day, travel and cooking restrictions were in place, with anyone caught working on the Sabbath, being put to death. Ex 20:11. Ex 31:12-18. Ex 16:22-30. Race supremacist groups who claim to be religious, are quick to condemn mixed race marriages, by saying the bible prohibits them. These people quote such scriptures as Deut 7.1-3. Jos 23:11-12. Ezk 9:12.12.
However, by studying the text, one can see that God wasn't prohibiting the intermarriages because of race. He prohibited them because the life style of those nations would influence the Israelites to follow false gods. 1Kings 11:1-10. Deut 7:4. Jos 23:5-8:16. Ex 23:32-33. Ex 34:11-17. As for interracial marriages, God has not condemned them. Heb 13:4. However, this is a evil world and the couple needs to be sure that they can withstand all the nonsense that some people will direct toward them. They also should take into consideration the pain that their children will have to endure being mixed race. The different races are the good and beautiful work of Almighty God. Gen 1:31. Psa 104:24. Acts 17.26. For God to teach the Israelites to hate some of the work of His own hands, simply because of race, is to dishonor His own creation. 1 Sam 16:7. Acts 10:11-17:28:34-35. Gal 3:27. t's too bad that some spouses get mad because the other makes more money and this is especially true when it concerns some men. There have been wives complaining about husbands who detest their ability to earn more. But as long as the wife is doing her duty as a wife and not neglecting the husband or the home and the money goes to help everyone; what is the big deal? Pro 31:10-31
I'll tell you what the big deal is! Some people just have to be the main event. Some people are jealous of anyone who is more successful and that is just plain wrong. Gen 4:3-7. Gen 37:1-11. 1 Sam 18:5-15. Matt 2:1-18. Matt 27:18. Mk 15:10. Rom 13:13. Rom 1:29.1 Cor 13:4. Gal 5:26. 1 Pt 2:1. Tit 3:3. Jas 3:16. Phil 1:15. 1 Tim 6:4. Two working persons in a marriage will not make the same wage. Someone will earn more and the other less. Everyone should accept that and be thankful at the success of the combined incomes which help both persons live a more comfortable life. Stop being jealous, because such is wrong! |