Two persons were arguing over the subject of marriage and as the debate dragged on one of the persons said, "What would God or Jesus do ?"
That is when I looked into the bible and found Gen 2:18-25. The Lord God said, "It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him." Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast and every bird bringing them to Adam so he could name them. Whatever Adam called each creature became its name. But for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him. God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam and He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh and with the rib taken, He made into a woman. God brought her to Adam who said, "This is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she came from man. Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and join to his wife and they shall be one flesh." Jesus repeated the same thing as He spoke of divorce in Matt 19.4-6. So, there it is. That is what both God and Jesus would do. I hope more men, will start doing and saying what they did I watched Ronald Reagan Jr on TV promoting the freedom from religion foundation.
I have no problem keeping politics and religion separate. But when a person learns the word of the Lord and keeps it in his heart, that word dictates all that person will do or say. Gal 5.1.:16-26. Psalm 119.41-48. When it concerns law making in Washington, a vote cast will depend on what is believed and that is okay. Everyone should vote and stand for what they believe to be the truth. Reagan goes on to say in the commercial, that he isn't afraid to burn in hell. Well, maybe he isn't right now, because he hasn't been cast into it. But if he does go to hell, he will not only be afraid, he will be in agony for all eternity. Matthew 13.40-42. Mark 9.43-48. Matthew 25.41-46. And of course, why say what he did? For if he believes there is no God, there can be no hell. And if there is no hell; why say that you aren't afraid to burn there? That's just like saying, I will go on the observation deck of the empire state building because I'm not afraid of King Kong climbing up the side with a girl in his hand The truth never changes nor dies; for it cannot do so because it is truth.
As I see what is happening with the corona virus, there is much talk about hygiene. But understand this dear reader; all the talk about washing hands and cleaning this and wiping down that, we have heard before. Problem is, we didn?t pay much attention to it during previous times. But now, since the virus is rising globally with a vengeance; we now go back to the truths we knew so many years ago. Keeping things disinfected from germs, staying at home when sick, covering the mouth when sneezing, etc. None of this can be refuted by anyone for it is fundamental truth. Hopefully the world will overcome the corona virus by establishing and maintaining the past truth which we all know. Buy the truth and never sell it. Proverbs 23:23 If you can get your hands on a bible you will have no problem seeing I'm telling you the truth. Acts 17:11. According to the bible, no man is the head of the church (Eph 5:23. Col 1:18. Eph 1:22-23). That honor goes to Jesus because He is the builder of the church. Matt 16:16-19. While men have churches which they established and men serving as the head of those churches; such isn't right because no man has the right to establish a church; instead men must build upon the foundation Jesus established. 1 Cor 3:11. Churches started by men have no salvation because they are founded by men building upon sand, Matt 7:24-27.
In a region no man has the biblical authority to serve as head over churches in that area. In the bible, each local church was self govern having its own overseers which are two or more men serving in the office called the Eldership or Bishops. Acts 20:17-28. Phil 1:1. People aren't following the bible, instead they are doing as they please and expect God to accept them but God will not be doing so. Matt 7:13-23. Matt 15:7-14. Mark 7:7-9. 2 Tim 4:3-4. "Why am I here?" You are here because God created you to live on this earth and give glory to him. Act 17:24-28; Col 3:17; 1 Cor 6:19-20; 1 Cor 10:31 "Who is God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit?" These three are the Godhead. Acts 17:29; Rom 1:20; Col 2:9. They are eternal and distinct. Gen 1:12,26; Gen 3:22; Gen 11:7; Heb 9:14. John 1:1. John 8:44. John 17:5.24. Matt 3:16-17. Matt 28:19. Eph 4:4-6. 2 Cor 13:14. They are one in purpose. John 6:38 John 8:29. John 10:30. John 17:20-22. And yet all are God. 1 Cor 8:6. Mal 2:10. Isa 44:8.
"What is the soul?" A person is two parts, the body and the inner, which is the soul. Gen 2:7. Matt 10:28. "What happens at death?? At death the soul leaves the body and goes to await the Judgment. Gen 35:18. Lk 8:54-55. Eccl 12:7. Luk 16:19-31. John 5:28-29. "Why is there evil in the world?" There is evil in the world because men desire evil. Psa 14:2-3. John 3:19-21. Job 24:14-17. Pro 4:14-17. God has given men a choice to choose right or wrong, and most pick wrong. Matt 7:13-14. Eccl 7:29 |