Three things I want you to consider as you read. God will not force His way upon you. A person either agrees to submit to the will of God or reject it. Acts 16.29-34.
This is true because God made everyone of free will and with choice man is in the position to say yes or say no. Luke 7.29-30. All the Lord ever said was whosoever, let that person come. Matt 10.32-33. Rev 22.17. The conclusion is, one can do whatever they want, serve the Lord or serve the Devil. Don?t be offended, for there are only two masters, Satan or God. Matt 6.24. Matt 4.8-11. Jas 4.7-8. 1 Pt 5.8 The bible which is the word of God is available for reading. One can read its pages and see in the new testament that Jesus died to save men from sin. John 3.16. All men need to do is turn their lives over to God, so He can teach them the words of life and they can live holy and be pleasing to God. 1 Peter 1:13-25. Rom 6.16-18. Since the bible is available for man, it will serve as the rule by which man will be judged. John 12.48. Rev 20.12. A person will stand before Jesus on the day of Judgement and that person life will be compared to what is written in scripture. If the life matches what is taught in scripture that person will go to heaven. If not, the person will go to hell. So yes, we have the right to choose not to serve God. But remember, we all will be judged according to our works. 2 Cor 5.10. Matt 16.27 Many have the rainbow photo on houses, cars and property. This rainbow sign as used by these people are promoting their desire for diversity, mostly homosexuality in the community.
Well, the Bible is very clear on homosexuality and I have taught what the bible has to say on homosexuality, so that will not be what this current edition of words will be about. However, it will be about the colors of the rainbow. The rainbow with its many colors was created by God as a promise that He won't destroy the earth by a flood again. It is His promise to every living thing upon the earth. Genesis 9.8-17. Every time the rainbow symbol is displayed, men should remember the love of God for the lives of mankind and that we can be assured that God will never drown them with a global flood again. That is the meaning of the symbol of the rainbow and God gave it no other definition. For He said, "Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Gen 9.16 The Bible truly is the word of Almighty God. While it is sad that some don't believe. None can deny the supreme teachings that come from its pages. For example, "Treat others as you wish them to treat you." Matt 7:12.
This command came from God and for that reason, no one can quote another statement that tops it. Man may build upon the statement, but they cannot produce a quote that is superior to it. Moses knew that because he told the nation of Israel, that no civilization had laws superior laws to theirs. Deut 4.8. Because no man can out think or out create what governs human behavior better the Creator. Treating others as one wants to be treated, destroys all the bad things that humans do to each other. No one wants to be murdered, robbed, shot, beat up, slandered, become a victim of ID fraud, etc. While evil men may do such to their victims, the same evil men don?t want someone else to do the such to them. Treating others humanely is Godly, because that is how God views behavior. He attempts to install such character in us so we can learn to be like Him. I was driving north on highway 309 toward the Montgomery mall and as I came upon the intersection of DeKalb, I saw a couple with two children standing on the middle concert island.
They were holding a sign and the father had a Bible in his hand. The sign read, "God created only male and female for marriage." Now, I ask anyone reading this; is that true? If you say it is, how do you know? If you say it is false; how do you know? What authority are you quoting from? It cannot be you stating an opinion. I call your attention to the father standing out there with a Bible in his hand. Not a quote from Barack Obama or Joe Biden; but he had the Bible in his hand. Know why? The Bible is the supreme authority it is the Word of the Lord and the father could open it up and read to anyone who might stop and challenge him. I agree with the father and I refer you to the beginning when God, not man, created the institution of marriage. God introduced it to men and told them what it was and how long it would last. Man didn't do any of that; God did! Now man wants to hijack marriage and define it according to his terms. Not going to work dear reader. In closing, I invite you to read Genesis chapters 1-3. If you are honest, you will see. When an offender does wrong and gets away with it, people begin to despair and for good reason. Imagine the family of a murder victim sitting in court and seeing the killer of their loved one being set free with the help of a fancy lawyer.
It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands the living God. Hebrew 10:30-31. I say this because God is, and God knows and above all God sees. A person can run, but they cannot hide. They might get away with evil deeds in life, but they won?t get away with it in the hereafter. Proverbs 5:21. Psalms 94:9. Proverbs 28:23-24. It will do no one any good to say that they don't believe in the hereafter, because once they die; they will see how wrong that is. Luke 16:22-23. And that is when they will have to answer for the deeds done while alive. Hebrews 4:13 . Ecclesiastes 12:14. If you have been the victim of an evil act and it appears that they will not be punished. Take cheer because God saw it and He will deal with it either down the road in this life or He will deal with it in the hereafter. 2 Corinthians 5:10. Matthew 16:27. |