If you think you have plenty of time on earth, and you will keep having a good life year after year with no interruption in your happy existence; you are going to be sadly mistaken. Luke 12:16-20.
No one knows tomorrow; our lives can be changed forever in the twinkling of an eye. James 4:13-14. This is why insurance exists, to save us from the unexpected and many people are smart enough to buy it. We also know that some people aren’t very smart, they go around without insurance and pay a heavy price when losses occur. . That is why salvation comes into this conversation. Being a child of God is a major help when we face the challenges of life. We can deal with hardship by believing that Jesus Christ will see us though, not allowing more than we can stand to happen. Romans 8:28. 1 Corinthians 10:13. Psalms 121:7 I would like to implore you to stop living your life without insurance for the soul. All will die and stand before the Judge and give account for the life lived. 2 Cor 5:10 You must have salvation insurance in order to stand successfully before Him. Would you like to know more about the gospel of Christ which puts men in a relationship with God and sets them free from sin? Romans 6:1-18
There was a preacher name Stewart and one day he was talking to the butcher about a steak. The butcher said, "I see you quite often, but I never asked you what you do for a living.
Stewart replied, "I’m a preacher. I preach for a local church of Christ. The butcher said, “Oh wow, you are a reverend!” "No," Stewart replied, "just a preacher." "I don’t understand," the butcher said, "isn’t a preacher a reverend?" "No, he isn’t," said Stewart, "reverend is one of the names for God and even if men allow people to call them reverend, it is wrong, for no man is fit to wear the name of God." "I never heard that before," said the butcher; "all the ministers I know were called reverend." "Yeah, I’m sure they are," said Stewart. "But it is still wrong for them to be addressed as such. Let me ask you this; would you address a preacher as Almighty?" "No," said the butcher, "only God is Almighty." "Correct," said Stewart, "but the word reverend means just that. It means “Awesome” and no man is such. Let me quote from Psalms 111.9, 'He sent redemption unto His people: He hath commanded His covenant forever, Holy and Reverend is His name.'" The butcher said, "I have never heard that verse in my life, I didn’t know; but from now on, I will correct anyone who calls a preacher 'reverend.'" "Great," said Stewart, "I’m glad I could be of help and if I can be of farther service to understand the Bible, let me know. Now, how about my steak?" There was a preacher named “John the Baptist.” John wasn’t a Baptist preacher, he was just a simple preacher, who spoke of the coming of the church (kingdom) and the need for mankind to repent. He baptized his converts in the river Jordon, which is why he was known as the Baptist or immerser. Matt 3.1-6. John 1:19-33.
John 3.23 Now, back to his sermon title, “repent”. Since God and man are never on the same page someone would have to give. Isaiah 55:6-9. 1 Sam 16.7. And since God is greater than man, it sure wouldn’t be Him. Man is nothing like God and if man wants to see God in peace, man is going to have to make change in his life. There are things that man believes that he must quit believing. There are things that man thinks and he has to quit thinking those things. There are things which man does and he must quit doing those things. Man cannot give salvation, yet he wants it; so man is going to have to change his ways, if he expects to enter heaven and be with God. 1 Pt 1.13-16 Reader, if you don’t repent, change your ways and do what God expects of you, you are not His buddy, you are not right in His eyes. You must repent. Acts 17.30 Lk 13.3 |