Recently a lady saw her neighbor house on fire and frantically knocked on the door awaking them from sleep and saving lives. This was a heroic act by her; she knew those people weren’t aware of the danger near them, and she sounded out the warning.
This is like a teacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ; warning people to repent and get their lives right in the sight of God. People all over the globe, are sleep in sin and cannot see the danger of hell fire creeping upon them, because Satan has blinded their eyes to slumber. Eph 5. 13-14. 2 Cor 4. 1-5. Rom 13.11. 1 Thess 5.4-8. The person attempting to introduce the gospel to you, means no harm. They want to warn you. They are following the wishes of the Lord, who also wants to warn you. The fire of hell is coming. Heb 9.27. Won’t you give the gospel a chance?
Halloween is coming and for those who believe in Ghosts haunting the earth; that belief will only become more intense.
But such ought not be the case. Halloween is just another holiday day where people dress in costumes and give candy. However, man needs guidance, something to show him direction and shine light on the issues which confront. So that is where the Bible comes in. People can better themselves by having faith in the word. Heb 11:6. Psa 19:8-10. Mk 9:21-23. Psa 119:105. The scriptures are God’s speech to man and He teaches that the dead don’t spook the living. 2 Tim 3:14-17. Eccl 9:4-6:10. Job 7:1-10. Job 10:18-22 . Psa 103:13-16. 2 Sam 12:22-23. At death the spirit of man is removed from earth and taken to Hades to await Judgement. Jas 2:26. Heb 9:27. Psa 90:10. Lk 24:5. Lk 22:42-43. Acts 2:29-32. Lk 16:19-31. Ignorance of what the Bible teaches has lead many to believe things and a highly creative imagination has cause many to think they hear and see things. Acts 17:22-27. But if one believes the word of the Lord, he will be secure. Pro 1:29-33. Psa 34:10. 1 Pt 2:2-6. We aren’t interested in knowing what is the current trend among men. We aren’t interested in being politically correct. We are only interested in teaching the word of God as He delivered it without addition and subtraction. 1 Peter 4.11. Pro 30.6. The beliefs which are crafted by society will run its course and come to nothing; but the word of Almighty God will last forever. 1 John 2.15-17. Matt 24.35. 1 Peter 1.23-25
Yet we continue to see men show distain toward the message of the Lord and that is an eternal mistake because the word they mock today, will be the same word which judges them on the last day. John 12.48. Jude 14-19 So, you can think of any popular concept among men which is known today and we will place it in the trash. Because we stand on what book, chapter and verse teaches.Not a movie star, musician, sports figure, politician etc. No standing with men, just God, and you need to join us in the stance. Acts 5.29 I get up and go to church on Sundays because I know that is what God wants me to do.
God has given mankind six days to do his own thing; and God only asked for one day in return. God doesn’t even ask for all 24 hours of the day. He simply asks that we meet at the selected time posted by the local church. For example, if it’s 10 am for bible study and 11 am for the worship hour; that is all He asks of us. And when you add all things up, the total time spent will most likely be over by 1 pm. The rest of the day is yours. See, He not stingy, He just wants some affection and obedience from men. Shouldn’t we think about Him on Sunday? Hebrew 10.25 Recently we watched on television, a young man who was obsessed with his former girlfriend and couldn’t accept the fact that the romance was over. This young man was sentenced to life in prison for her murder because he felt that if he couldn’t have her, no one else could either. His selfish and evil actions destroyed the family of this young lady as well his own parents and relatives.
Obsession is a very unhealthy thing and never brings good results because no one should be attempting to force themselves upon another. Much less, allowing that kind of fixation to lead doing violence. If the other person isn’t interested, people should respect that and move on. Not try to make that person fall in love with them. In 2 Samuel chapter 13.1- 21 Amnon was obsessed with his half-sister Tamar. This evil fellow was so obsessed that he became sick, but he was able to work out a scheme with another bad guy named Jonadab, which resulted in the rape of Tamar and her being mistreated by Amnon. To make a long story short; Amon was killed over his sin. No man or woman is worth destroying yourself and others, with this so called “love.“ If the woman doesn’t want you, walk away. If the man doesn’t want you, walk away. |