The wonderful thing about obeying the gospel is the fresh start that it gives the candidate. Our sins are completely wiped cleaned and cannot be brought back ever again. Heb 10.17.
The man baptized by Philip knew this because after his conversion he went about his way, celebrating his new condition. Acts 8.39 And with all the past deeds being erased, it is starting over again. Rom 6.1-17 2 Cor 5.17. But it is horrible for one to commit sins in his twenties and quit doing so; only to have to answer for them at the judgement bar. But that is what will happen, if a person doesn’t obey the gospel, thereby having those sins washed away. Act 22.16 The best thing anyone can do and may I say the only thing one can do, is obey the gospel.
This lesson certainly isn’t going to please everyone; and this is true because men love engaging in sex. When it concerns sex; there is God's way and there is man's way. God created the sexual act by telling Adam and Eve,” to be fruitful and multiply”. Gen 1.27-28. But He was talking to man and wife. Gen 2.24-25.
A man has no business having sex with his girlfriend because her body does not belong to him; and only in marriage can man even think about owning his wife's body and the wife, doing the same. 1 Cor 7 .1-4. Heb 13.4 1 Thess 4.1-6. Why don't people just date? One is attempting to find a mate and the effort needs to be on accomplishing that. The couple doesn't have to be having sex and babies and neither do couples have to enter marriage being highly skilled in sex acts. Sex like anything else is supposed to be learned, and that is what God expects a couple to do. 1 Cor 6.18 According to the word of God, a person is to date the opposite sex, seeking a spouse in the process and remains celibate until marriage. People can remain celibate by not listening to Satan. You know that the devil is going to be saying it is unreasonable and too much to ask of a person. But that is all a lie. The devil just wants you to commit fornication and lose your soul over the sin. Don’t listen, man can resist fornication, and remain morally pure. There is nothing wrong with being a virgin. That is a person who understands what God wants and is living the way God expects. Everyone having sex, is living according to Satan. A person might read this and disagree and I say, take it up with the Lord. I have attempted to teach His words, not mine. You can argue with Him about your right to commit fornication. Your neighbor, coworker, relative, friend; is a Christian and you aren’t. Since they are Christian you feel uncomfortable around them. You do whatever to stay far from them because they might start
preaching to you. Does this sound like you? Allow me to sum up the person you are avoiding. First, the Lord is pleased with that person. Next, that person is going to Heaven. That person is honest friendly and trustworthy. That person loves their enemies and will go to great lengths to treat others in the right way. If you or anyone else is in need, that person will do whatever they can to assist you. They won’t cause you pain by lying or trying to deceive you in some way. So why are you afraid of them? Why do you want to be around people who are the opposite of what I have described? Seems the problem is you. By shunning decent godly people, you show that you are comfortable around those who endorse and carry out all kinds of unethical actions. What you need to do is reach out to them. They are good people. Learn from them. Ask them where they attend church and go visit that church. Agree to a Bible study with them. Look at a lot of places in Philadelphia and you will see neighborhoods covered with trash, abandon cars, mattresses, stoves, furniture, boxes, garbage, paper, etc.
This trash didn’t just fall from the sky; it was placed there by people. I'm talking about people who have no sense of pride, decency, respect for others or the laws which prohibit dumping. These are people to whom laws mean nothing. They are like animals, caring about nothing but their own agenda. And if that agenda is served by having their dog, leave waste in front of your house; so be it. Pro 2:12-15. Attitudes like this is no way for humans to live. Man must answer to God; so why go before Him with a resume of evil works? 2 Cor 5:10. Man must learn what laws he is obligated to and obey those laws. 1 Peter 2:13-17. Man needs to start showing respect by doing whatever he can not to offend or endanger others. Pro 3:29. We must make people better by our encounters with them. |