In the city of Philadelphia there are contentions not to prosecute if stolen merchandise is less than $500.00. It’s said that such are summary offenses; whatever that means. The word of the Lord teaches that when law and order isn’t enforced, evildoers are encouraged to commit crimes. Eccl 8.11. Because of what is going on; don’t expect shop lifting to go down anytime soon in Philadelphia. As far as the word of God is concern, it teaches for man not to steal. No amount is specified, it just teaches not to take what isn’t yours. It could be $30.00 $100.00 or $5.00. Don’t steal. Matt 6.19. Matt 19.18. Mk 10.19. Lk 18.20. John 10.10 Rom 2.21. Rom 13.9. Eph 4.28. Rev 9.21. MK 7.22 John 12.6. Offenders need to face the consequences of their actions, no matter what the amount of the stolen goods may be. Col 3.25.
The man said, I don’t smoke, drink, do drugs or fornicate. His listeners stood there looking
at him like he was insane and finally after a few moments one of them said, what in the world is wrong with you? There is nothing wrong with me the man replied. But there is something wrong with you. Those things that I don’t do are sinful things that the word of God makes perfectly clear. There is nothing wrong with obeying the word of the Lord; but there is plenty wrong following the world. 1 John 2.15-17. Jesus is going to come back and judge this world and all the ungodly will have their part in the Lake of fire. Jude 14-16. Rev 21.7-8. But not me. I'm going to do what the Lord said and save my soul. God said be holy because He is holy. 1 Pt 1.15-16. I'm just doing what the Lord said and if that makes me different from all the other people in the world; so be it. Matt 5.13-16. “Thou shalt not kill” “Thou shalt not steal” “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor”
“Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thou self.” These are some of the ten commandments Moses gave the Israelites from Mount Sinai. Exodus chapter 20. Because of the contrary choices men have made; the world is suffering. Imagine how quick evil would disappear if men would make choices that support these commandments. You know what I'm talking about, I'm pretty sure you've been listening to the news. It is time for everyone to get a Bible, put their heads in the Bible and read it and start obeying it. It is with hope that this article will arouse a fire in someone to start doing just that. These are your words for this week. |
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