By Anonymous in Oklahoma
In the beginning God said “it is not good for man to be alone” so He made a helper and this became the marriage of Adam and Eve. Gen 2.18-25. God was looking out for Adams best interest by creating the woman for companionship. Pro 18.22. Pro 19.14. Now I don't want anyone to get me wrong; I believe in marriage and in having a man around. What I don't believe in is, settling for just any man and when I say that, I'm not talking about the man must have a great education, high paying job or attractive physical attributes. What I'm talking about is does he have faith? Is he serving the Lord as he should? Is he proving his love for Christ by his deeds. John 14.15. Does he understand what the Bible teaches about a man loving his wife as Christ loved the church? Eph 5.25. This is what I look for in a husband and anything else can be negotiated, worked out. etc If I can't find a man with this type of devotion; I feel that I would be better without a man. Pro 12.4 Pro 14.7. Pro 21.9. I say that because going to heaven is my main goal and having a husband is secondary. And since I'm putting all my energy into pleasing God, I desire a man who will be doing the same thing. In other words, my sisters. I want a man standing with me when fighting Satan; not a man who stands with Satan and fights me. It bothers me that some of our sisters are so determined to have a man that they will settle for men who aren't faithful. And some even settle for men who aren’t Christians. Sisters, just think for a moment, these men aren’t faithful or a christian and a lot of problems are going to come as a result and we cannot afford to be in a relationship with a man who makes poor choices and brings much hardship upon us. I'm reminded of the situation with Martha and Mary. Martha was so concerned about cooking the meals and getting the house ready, that she had no time to sit and listen to Jesus teach. She came and told Jesus to make Mary leave the class and come and help her with the meal and the housework. Jesus refused, and He told Martha that Mary great interest in her soul, was more important than housekeeping. Luke 10.38-42. We have to be like Mary; we must put interest in our souls first, because that is the big picture. Jesus said if a person gains the whole world but loses their soul what can they give in exchange for that lost soul? Mark 8.36-37. My sisters, there is a bigger picture here and getting a husband should not be the primary thing in our life. Serving the Lord and saving our souls should be the primary. If a husband comes, great! If a husband does not come, because we can't find anyone who is trying to serve the Lord, we're still good. There are many women in the church who do not have husbands or boyfriends, and these women are some of the most holy, educated, and focus women that you'll ever see in your life. They have come to know the big picture and by knowing that, they know the Lord and that is more important than any other thing that they could ever do in this life.
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December 2022