This year is coming to a close and one will need to stop for a moment and ask, "What have I done for the Lord?" That question is vital because God has done everything for man. Let's start off by first letting it be known or reminded that God sent his Son to earth to die for the sins of mankind so that man can have salvation (John 3:13–18). God gives life to mankind each day, so we can go about our daily activities (Matthew 6:11).
Unknown to man are many evils which the Lord removed from our paths in order that we not be killed or hurt in the process (Luke 11:4). Many of us are living well in life because God has blessed us with gifts which enable us to make a good living (Proverbs 26:10). Many aren't rich with cash, but they are rich with good health, and even though money isn't everything, they are still blessed (Job 1:20–21). So let us go back to the original question, "What have you done for God in 2003? And here is a second question, "Do you plan to do something for Him in 2004?" Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. Since we are in the Christmas season, we thought it would be good to pass on some information about one of the things you will hear and see during this season. (The three wise men coming to the baby Jesus in the manger.)
First of all, let us begin with the "three wise men." The Bible doesn't say how many wise men there were, it just said wise men, letting us know that it was more than one (Matthew 2:1–12). Let us not put a number on the plurality of the men because when that is done, we aren't speaking what the Bible has said. Also, Joseph, Mary, and the baby Jesus had left the manger by the time the wise men arrived, for they were in a house when those men got there (Matt. 2:11). So, it is a common error to show a manger scene in your yard with three wise men before the baby Jesus. As for the baby Jesus receiving visitors while in the manger, that was the shepherds, and the bible doesn't say how many of them were present as well (Luke 2:8–20). Let us only speak what the Bible speaks. Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. We are living in a world that is constantly changing for the better, but also many times for the worse (2 Timothy 3:13). As one continues to live on earth, he will encounter beliefs that differ from what he had been taught. Now it is possible that one could have been taught error, and if such is the case, one needs to forget the old and embrace the new. But such isn't the case always. That is why the Bible warns about getting caught up in changing trends and taken away from the truth (2 Peter 3:17).
Today, America is faced with redefining the family and giving condoms to children in school. God's word has already spoken on both subjects and God's word will stand forever; therefore if one has been taught what God has said on these two subjects, he can be assured that God's word is true and today's modern trends are wrong (Isaiah 55:8–11). God's word teaches that marriage and family is male and female (Matthew 19:4–9). God's word teaches that sex is to be in marriage (Hebrews 13:4). So then, man must stay with God's word or follow the modern trends. Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. Back in 1972, the soul group, "The Main Ingredient" had a very popular song, "Everybody plays a fool sometime." One line of the lyrics said, "there's no exception to the rule." And rest assured that is indeed true, for no person is infallible, and no person is so smart that he will never commit an ill advised or plain dumb act. On any given day, any of us could walk down stupid street (1 Corinthians 10:12, 2 Peter 3:17, Deuteronomy 6:10–12, Proverbs 7:7–23, 2 Samuel 11:1–27, 2 Sam. 12:1–14, 2 Sam. 17:23, Jonah 1:3, Matthew 27:3–5, 1 Kings 8:46).
When a man has done something he regrets, all he can do is start over again. No one is perfect and even those who laugh at others, better be careful because next time someone will be laughing at them. Recovery from a foolish act will not be easy, but it can be done. First, recognize your mistake and chalk it up for learning experience. If others confront you about the dumb deed, just admit that it was dumb and that you have learned from it. Don't torture yourself over dumb mistakes you made, get on with your life. Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. When a young man has his head on right and priorities in check, he can go a long way in life. Such promise can be found in the Bible, the book of Ephesians 6:1–4, where obedience to parent's good counsel is a fact. Yes, how wonderful it is to have parental advise based upon God's word. When a young person has his priorities right, he will seek education in order to get a good job. He will shun drugs and alcohol because he recognizes that only losers get high on that. He will not get girls pregnant because he knows that is irresponsible. He will not hang with the young toughs in the street because he recognizes that they aren't going anywhere but to jail or the graveyard, and evidently hell fire.
He will work and pay his own way and not leech off others, nor will he rob, lie, or cheat to get things from others. He will have great respect for his elders and others. He will be a man of his word and take responsibility for his future actions, thereby completing his own business. Hope to hear from you or see you at the services Do you want to live beside good neighbors? If so, you understand the value in having good neighbors. These values are the comfort and safety of knowing if you forget to lock a door, need a package delivered while not home, house sitting while away on vacation, baby sitting, checking on you when ill, a neat lawn with no overgrown grass or trash blowing over into your yard, no loud music, fighting, drunkenness, cursing, or drug use, that your neighbors have your interest in mind. However, these kind of neighbors don't just happen without guidance, for people must be taught that "no man is an island." People must learn that they are indeed "their brother's keepers," and live to prove it. In this fast paced world, apathy and selfishness creates bad neighbors because people become concerned only for themselves. These evil traits must disappear from neighbors' hearts and be replaced with acts on love, concern, and responsibility toward others. The Bible, the word of God, is where man learns how to treat neighbors because God said long ago that a man must love his neighbor (Exodus 20:15–17, Leviticus 19:13–18, Deuteronomy 19:14, Deut. 23:24–25, Proverbs 3:27–29, Prov. 25:17–18, Romans 13:9–10, Rom. 15:2, Ephesians 4:25, Luke 6:31, Colossians 3:12–14). If people begin doing what the Bible teaches, there would be better neighbors everywhere.
Hope to hear from you or see you at the services "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature," was a slogan used in a television commercial years ago. In some places of the world that commercial might still be shown, but that is besides the point. The point right now is, there is no such thing as "Mother Nature." I know that because there is only God and no one else (Isaiah 43:10–11, Isa. 44:6–8, Isa. 45:5–18). God is in charge of everything, and He sends what He wishes upon this earth. The main point is the Bible has identified God as "HE," not she (Matthew 5:45, Job 26:6–14, Job 26:6–14, Numbers 23:19, Genesis 1:27, 31; Gen. 2:3, Exodus 15:1–21. So remember, there is no such thing as "Mother Nature."
In order for evil to triumph, good men must do nothing. However we cannot accept that, therefore we will cry out against evil (Isaiah 58:1).
Some practice the evil of no respect for others. They will steal from others, use others, cheat others, lie to others, slander others, and walk all over others. Respect means trating other people the way you wish to be treated. No one wants to be mistreated, so why not refrain from mistreating others? Do good to other people and don't stab them in the back or use and abuse them, and then cast them to the wayside. Be honest with others and love them as much as you love yourself. Only by living this way, can humans really be humane (Luke 6:31, Romans 13:8–14, 1 Peter 2:17, Philippians 4:8, 2 Corinthians 8:21, 3 John 11, 1 Thessalonians 5:14–15, Romans 16:19). Hope to hear from you or to see you at the services. "All unrighteousness is sin," 1 John 5:17. "For sin is the transgression of the Law," 1 John 3:4.
There are people who will do wrong, and afterward attempt to justify the wrong done. But that sort of reasoning just won't do because wrong is always wrong, no matter what, and trying to explain it away is a joke.
Hope to hear from you or to see you at the services. Placing a man as head of the church, considering him infallible, and worshipping him as the Holy Father is wrong (Ephesians 5:23, 1 Kings 8:46, Matthew 23:1–12). The apostle Paul and another man, Apollos, got the church started in the city of Corinth. Afterward, the people began to worship them rather than Christ, so Paul had to teach them not to think of men above what is written (1 Corinthians 1:12–13, 1 Corinthians 3:3–7, 1 Corinthians 4:6). Another man named Cornelius, bowed at the feet of the apostle Peter, with the intent of worshipping him, but Peter said "no way"! Peter had to explain that he should not be worshipped because he is a man, and that worship is to be offered to God (Acts 10:24–26, Matt. 4:10).
We are mentioning these things because many hold religious leaders in very high esteem, and such is wrong. No one who believes the word of God, can do that, and be right in the process (2 John 9–11, Luke 6:46). Hope to hear from you or to see you at the services. |