Based on what is happening in the world today, there are a lot of ways to die. One could be a victim of SARS, terrorism, crime, accidents, etc. The fact is death is out there, and it is snatching up many unsuspecting people daily. However, being in the church, and knowing what the word of God teaches and then seeing so many die and go into eternity unprepared, it is really very disturbing. Many of you reading this right now are unprepared to meet God after death. Many of you have foolishly convinced yourself that there is no God; that church isn't essential; or that you will be fine based upon what you have convinced yourself of. Well, the word of God has news for you. In Jeremiah 10:23, the prophet writes, "it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps." What that means is, no person can decide if something is right or wrong, but he must rely upon the scriptures to show what is right or wrong. The scriptures have the truth which sets man free from sin (John 8:31-32, Romans 6:12-18, 1 Peter 1:22-25, 2 Timothy 3:14-17, John 5:39, 1 Corintians 15:1-4).
If you are unchurched, meaning that you don't go to church at all, you and your non-church-going family are in danger. The danger is you aren't a part of the family of God; you are in your sins, and where Jesus is, you cannot come (John 8:21, Acts 2:47, John 10:9). It doesn't have to be that way. You can make the change in your life to start living as God would have you. Don't throw this paper away or dismiss the message it carries to you. Contact us today, let's study the word of God in order to see what you must do to be saved (Luke 5:1-3, John 6:45, Acts 8:30-31, Acts 10:30-33, Romans 10:13-21). Hope to hear from you or to see you at the services. Baptism is certainly nothing to be taken lightly, so we call attention to this vital subject. First of all, baptism isn't a matter of opinion, it is commanded (Matthew 28:19). Next we learn that baptism must be done according to the name of the Lord, (or by his authority) meaning that baptism must be done as God would have it (Acts 10:48, Colossians 3:17). Baptism requires much water because it is described as a burial or immersion, and sprinkling or pouring water isn't Bible baptism (Mark 7:7, John 3:23, Matt. 3:6, 16, Acts 8:38, Acts 10:37, Romans 6:3-4).
If you want to be in Christ, you must be baptized as the Bible teaches, and Bible baptism puts a person into Christ (Galatians 3:27). A person must also be in the Lord's church in order to be saved from hell, and baptism is the final act which places a person inside the church (1 Corinthians 12:13, Ephesians 5:23, Acts 2:47, John 10:9). Sin separates man from God, so it must be terminated, and that is the job of baptism (John 8:21, Isaiah 59:1-3). In Acts 2:38, we read that baptism is for the forgiveness (remission) of sins. Forgiveness is accomplished in baptism because baptism is the washing away of sins (Acts 22:16, Eph. 5:25-27, Hebrews 10:22, Romans 6:1-18). If a person wants to be baptized, that person must be a willing candidate; meaning the person to be baptized must believe on Christ (Mark 16:16, Acts 2:37-41, Acts 8:12, Acts 8:35-38, Acts 9:17-18, Acts 10:44-48, Acts 16:13-15, Acts 16:30-33). Therefore baptizing babies, and anyone who doesn't believe, is wrong. And last, but not least, baptism saves (1 Peter 3:21, Mark 16:16). This is because baptism is the final step that God has prescribed for man's walk toward salvation (Hebrews 5:9, 1 Peter 1:18-25). Hope to hear from you or to see you at the services. War is certainly nothing new under the sun, because the Bible said, "a time of war and a time of peace," (Ecclesiastes 3:8). The reader shouldn't think the Bible is promoting war, but it is simply stating what will happen at given conditions and times upon the earth. If we could spend one day as the eyes of God, just imagine what kinds of things we would see happening upon the earth (Proverbs 15:3, Hebrews 4:13).
And of course, the Bible carries its share of war stories. In the Bible there was war because evil greedy kings attacked cities (2 Kings 18-19). The Israelites were God's chosen people, and when they forsook God and began to worship idols; God then used foreign armies to wage war and punish His people for their backsliding ways (2 Kings 24-25). After leaving Egypt, God commanded His people to fight and remove evil people from the land of Canaan, and live there themselves (Joshua 1:1-9; Leviticus 18:3, 24-30). Now don't gasp and say, "how could God order such a thing?" I remind you, my dear doubter, we are talking about God here, and if God ordered an attack, who is man to question His orders? (Romans 9:18-22). And consider the fact that God gives kingdoms, and God can take away those kingdoms whenever He wishes (Job 1:21, Daniel 4:28-37). In closing, let me state, that in order for a nation to protect itself, that country must sometimes declare war; so there is a such thing as a just and unjust war. We just have to make sure that if we fight in the future, that our cause remains just. Hope to hear from you or to see you at the services. The church one can read about in the Bible was established by Jesus Christ when He shed His blood upon the cross (Acts 20:28, Matthew 16:18, 1 Corinthians 3:11). The church of the Lord is the only one He will save on Judgment Day, and that church wears His name for it is His bride (Ephesians 5:24-33, Matthew 15:13-14, Eph. 5:23, Romans 16:16). The members of the Lord's church are called "Christians," not "born again Christians," because that would be like saying, "Joe is a human man." Neither is the preacher called "Reverend," because only God is Reverend (Psalm 111:9). The church of the Lord governs itself not by the creed books of men, but by the word of God only (Mark 7:7, John 8:31-32, John 17:14-17).
The Lord's church has a simple worship service because that is what the scriptures authorize (John 4:24). The members comes together upon the first day of the week to partake of the communion, which consists of unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine (the blood of the grape) (Acts 20:7, Matt. 26:26-29). The members give one time only according to what they might have prospered during the week, and visitors aren't expected to give anything (1 Cor. 16:1-4, 2 Cor. 9:7). The song services is vocal without mechanical instruments of music, choirs and solos, because the scriptures teach that the melody is to be made with the heart and each person is to partake (Eph. 5:19). There is also teaching and praying being carried out in the worship services as well (Acts 2:42, Acts 20:7). Hope to hear from you or to see you at the services. |