We are now in what is called the holiday season. Last week many enjoyed a very good meal and happy time with family and friends. It is amazing how man can practice kindness and sharing during the holiday season, for such is credit to the human race. But it would be better for us all if this conduct existed throughout the year. Kindness doesn’t cost us anything and it certainly creates the character that God intended for man to display. So why not give the virtue of kindness a try?
Just think for a moment; if we had more kindness, there wouldn’t be all the problems that are hurting us (Hebrews 13:1-3; Colossians 3:12; Galatians 6:10; Romans 12:17-18; Matthew 7:12). Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. How much money do people have to lose before they wise up to the schemes of some preachers? A congressman has started an investigation of the preachers on cable networks, questioning their spending habits and lifestyles. Some of these men and women are living a life of luxury off the backs of the hard working, deceived viewers who keep sending the checks (2Peter 2:1-3; Romans 16:17-18).
Back in the '80s, people thought they had seen it all when Jim Bakker used church funds to build an air conditioned dog house. Come on people, wise up! The Bible teaches a simple plan concerning the church and money. Each church is to lay something aside on the first day of the week in order that the work of the church may continue. This offering is provided by the members of the local church, and no one else is required to give. The church takes this offering and spends within its budget, and the work of the church will continue (1 Corinthians 16:1-4). The next time you see preachers begging for money, turn off the TV! Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. Gossip is something people do very well. As one walks past others on the street, it is easy to overhear them yapping about the business of others. But why tell a third person about the situation of someone else? If you have something to say to another person, you should go to that person and talk about it. Who knows, you just might win him over and not have to blab his situation to others.
But if you have tried and got no where with the person in question, then you might need to talk to a third party, so that he and you can approach the person with good intentions in mind (Matthew 18:15-17). But some are just like the Athenians of old, they live to hear and speak something new (Acts 17:21). Let us not be tale bearers (Leviticus 19:16; Proverbs 11:13; 18:8; 26:20, 22; 2 Thessalonians 3:11; 1 Peter 4:15; 1 Timothy 5:13). Do your own work and mind your own business and leave the affairs of others alone (1 Thess. 4:11-12). Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. In times gone by, we heard of churches that predicted the end of the world. The members sell all their possessions, quit their jobs, and sit down to await the end. But these accounts are ridiculous and just plain pitiful! They are pitiful because the very Bible these people claim to obey teaches that there is no way one can figure out or know the time of the Lord’s return. Jesus taught that no one knows when the end will come (Mark 13:32-33). Do these people know something that the Lord doesn’t? You also hear people talking about the signs of the end, but truth is, the end has no signs or clues. The end of time has been described as coming without warning, and unexpectedly like a thief (Mark 13:34-37; 2 Peter 3:10).
We are not to predict the end nor sell everything or quit our jobs. We are to live day by day, serving God and preaching the gospel until He returns (2 Timothy 4:1-2; Jude 21-23). There are many lost souls that need to be saved, and a Christian cannot save them if he is locked away someplace. Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. |