This is only for people who believe the Bible to be God's word.
As of today, Scott Peterson is in jail awaiting death for the killing of his wife and unborn son. Let this serve as an example for everyone—don't kill!! Learn to walk away, because no woman or man is worth suffering the consequences that follow their murder (Matthew 26:52). The taking and giving of life is in the hands of Almighty God. It is not for man to become judge and jury on a personal basis (2 Kings 5:7). Killing in a fit of rage—premeditated murder in order to accomplish some kind of evil—is wrong (Matt. 5:21). If you have a dispute with a person, don't kill him, just walk away. If your girlfriend cheated on you, don't kill her and the man, just walk away. If the law can be of help to you, solve your problem though the law (Romans 13:1–5). Otherwise, you have two feet that can walk away, so let your feet do what they do best and walk away (Psalms 37:8–9). Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. This is only for people who believe the Bible to be God's word.
Littering is sinful because it violates two Biblical principles.
Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. This is only for people who believe the Bible to be God's word.
Do something good for yourself this Sunday; come to church. "Why," you may ask? So that you will obey the Lord, for He expects men to worship Him in church (Hebrews 10:25; Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:1–4). You see, Jesus established the church for a reason, just like Noah when he built the Ark (Matthew 16:18; John 10:16; Acts 2:47; Acts 9:19:26; Genesis 7:9–24). In church there will be singing of songs to the glory of the Creator. So why is it that some complain about doing that? In church we will study the message of the Bible, and it will help us grow in knowledge concerning the things of God, thereby making us better people. Why is it that some don't want to do that? There is no harm in going to the house of God. The harm comes by staying at home and failing to do as God expects. You remain in disobedience, your children remain in disobedience, and the whole family ends up in hell. What a shame! Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. This is only for people who believe the Bible to be God's word.
No one should watch religious programming and accept what is said without checking to see if it is in the Bible (Acts 17:11; 1 John 4:1). No one should consider every religious broadcast as pleasing to God because not all are (Matthew 7:15:21–23; Luke 6:46). No one should praise a sermon if the preacher didn't provide scriptures for what was taught (Acts 8:35; Acts 17:2–3; Acts 18:24–28). No one should watch religious broadcasting without realizing that men teach different doctrines and that such is wrong because the Bible commands men to teach the same thing (1 Corinthians 1:10; Galatians 1:6–10; 1 Timothy 1:3–4). No one should watch a woman preacher and think that she is doing right because the Bible forbids a woman to teach in such a way that places men in subjection to her (1 Cor. 14:34–35; 1 Tim. 2:11–12). No one should consider a religious broadcast pleasing to God if the viewers are asked to contribute to the broadcast because the Bible teaches that the church is to support its work though the offering of the members on the first day of the week (1 Cor. 16:1–4). Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. This is only for people who believe the Bible to be God's word.
Most people think nothing of saying, "I'll see you tomorrow," for it is innocent at best for most folks. However, this is a statement of arrogance because no one knows what tomorrow may bring (James 4:13–14; Proverbs 27:1). The scriptures teach us to make plans by saying, "If it is the Lord's will, and we live, then we shall do that," (James 4:16–17). In Luke 12:16–21, Jesus spoke of a rich man who built bigger and better houses and afterward spoke arrogantly about living many years to enjoy the fruits of his labor. However, God called him a fool, and that man eventually died because he failed to acknowledge, "If it is the Lord's will." Do you give thanks for your meal before you eat it? Everyone should do so, but a great many do not. In Acts 27:35, the Apostle Paul was on a ship with men who weren't Christians and he gave thanks for the meal in sight of them all, thereby teaching these men right (1 Timothy 4:4). Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. This is only for people who believe the Bible to be God's word.
Integrity is rigid adherence to a code of behavior; namely behavior of the highest level of honesty because unethical actions are never considered integrity. In the Bible, we read of the carpenters and other workers who repaired the Temple of God and that they also handled the money to purchase the supplies. The Bible makes an interesting statement about these men; that they needed no one to keep an eye on them as they handled the money because they were men of integrity (2 Kings 12:1-15; 2 Chronicles 34:8-13). We still need people who refuse to steal, cheat, defraud, or attempt any kind of shady action in order to "get over on someone." Or as many also say, "play someone." In order to be a "player," one must be unethical, shady, a liar, deceiver, and without one ounce of integrity in his mortal frame. Let us not do that! No one should be a vampire that sucks the life out of others. Make an effort to study the Bible, so that integrity can be in your life. Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. This is only for people who believe the Bible to be God's word.
If your life is a mess, you need to get it fixed! Lives are born pure but get destroyed by living contrary to the Bible (1 John 3:2. Psalm 14:2–3). People always say, "it's my life, and I will do what I please and say what I think." Problem with this is that the thoughts of people aren't those of God and people aren't perfect (Isaiah 55:8–9. Jeremiah 10:23–24. Jer. 17:9–10). Therefore men should study the Bible and live as it teaches (James 1:19–27; Isaiah 34:16; Proverbs 3:21–26). If you aren't living right, you need to obey the word of the Lord. Quit smoking, drinking, fornicating, homosexuality, lying, stealing, gossiping, slandering, threatening, not raising your children, using profanity, not going to church, taking drugs. etc. etc. etc. The Bible brings salvation to those who obey the wonderful message of it pages (Hebrews 5:9). Your life can become better with the inner peace that Christ shares if you are willing to allow the word of the Lord to dwell in you (Colossians 3:16). If you are interested in learning more from the scriptures, contact us, and we will work with you concerning that. Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. This is only for people who believe the Bible to be God's word.
"God bless America!" A phrase we have heard on the lips of many from state to state. However, that phrase is used loosely and thoughtlessly because the majority of people saying it have no clue what it will take for God to be willing to bless America. People seem to think that the Almighty is stupid and there just to obey our command; but it not like that at all! If people would stop dismissing the Bible and start reading and obeying it, they would realize that the Lord will not bless a mess! (James 4:1-4). Yes the Lord doesn't bless because some nation asked Him to, He blesses nations because of righteousness performed in that nation (Proverbs 14:34; Psalm 33:12; Genesis 18:22–33; Gen. 30:27; Deuteronomy 28:1–68). Here in America, we are crying out for a variety of things that are contrary to the word of God (abortion, stem cell research, gay rights, porn, civil unions, kick God out of schools and public places, etc). We are laying the super highway for full steam ahead into these things, and asking God's blessing as well. It's not gonna happen! (Malachi 2:1–3; Mal. 3:9–12). Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. This is only for people who believe the Bible to be God's word.
During the last Presidential debate, the candidates were asked if a gay person is born that way. Mr Bush said he didn't know. Mr Kerry said yes they are. But what does the word of God say? God's word teaches that male and female is the order and let not man put it asunder.(by marrying same sex, animals, plant life, etc.) It is human male and female; and what is so hard to understand about that? (Matthew 19:4–6; Genesis 2:14–25). God also said that homosexuality is a sin (Gen. 18:20–21; Gen. 19:4–13; 1 Kings 14:24; Matt. 11:23–24; Romans 9:29; 2 Peter 2:6; Jude 7; Rom. 1:18–32; 1 Corinthians 6:9–10; 1 John 3:4; Psalms 119:158; 1 John 5:18). Many will cry out discrimination when one teaches against homosexuality. But that too is error. Because God also teaches against discrimination (Matt. 7:12; Rom. 10:12–13; Rom. 12:17–18; Rom. 13:9–10; Galatians 6:10; James 2:8–9; 1 Peter 2:17). The Lord has made a clear distinction between spreading discrimination and teaching against homosexuality; for He addresses them as two different subjects and so should we. Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. This is only for people who believe the Bible to be God's word.
Most people view Halloween as a time to simply have some spooky good fun and such is fine to do on any day of the week, as long as you don't hurt anyone. However, there is a certain number of the population who believe that dead people come around during this time of the year. The scriptures teach that God gave man a soul, and it is the soul that returns to God at the time of death because all souls are His (Ezekiel 18:3–4; Genesis 2:7; Acts 17:24–28; Hebrews 12:9; James 2:26; Ecclesiastes 12:7; Luke 23:46; Acts 7:59–60; Luke 8:53–55). People need to know that God said no spirit has the ability to linger around after death spooking people. When we die the scriptures teach that the power that draws us is beyond our control; we are carried away by angels (Eccl. 8:8; Psalm 90:10; Luke 16:22). In order for a house to be haunted, such would mean a soul escaped from God and hid in the house. Now we know that nothing is hidden from Almighty God, Mark 4:22. Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. |