Being resolute is wonderful, if you are in the right; however, such is stupid if one is wrong about a matter. In order for one to be praised for holding his ground, one must be right, otherwise the Bible teaches that after many attempts of correction, a man will set himself up for destruction (Proverbs 28:14, Prov. 29:1, Numbers 14:39–45, 1 Samuel 15:23).
Have you been to church lately? It's never too late to start, so why not do so this week? We invite you to come and visit the services at the Mt. Airy church of Christ. All we do is teach the Bible, so if you want to learn the word of God, come (Isaiah 2:2–3). Lots of people are talking about their problems and such is very common to man. However, if one is a child of God, his problems can be lighter, because God will help lighten the load. But without God's help, a person is on his own and the burden can become too much. The Lord has offered to help bear burdens if many will come to him (Matthew 11:28–30). This information will only help people who believe the Bible, so we hope to hear from you or see you at the services. A President with a weak economical plan but belief in morals, is far better than a President with an appealing economical plan and no belief in morals. Know why that is? The word of God teaches that it isn't a good economical plan from the mind of man that lifts a nation, but rather the righteousness of the citizens that dwell therein (Proverbs 14:34, Prov. 11:11, Psalms 33:12).
You see, it is God, not man, who gives the wisdom which enables men to put a nation on a sound economical path with jobs and prosperity for all (Deuteronomy 28:1–68). And when a man's ways please God, He will cause his enemies to be at peace with him (Prov. 16:7). A righteous President with a sorry economical plan can be blessed by God just like the 300 soldiers that defeated the massive army of the Midianites (Judges 7:7), or the one man that chased a thousand (Joshua 23:10), or like the five loaves and two fish that fed five thousand people (Luke 9:13–17). So you see, God is willing to help a righteous leader, but He will certainly destroy an evil one (1 Samuel 12:25). Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. Just recently, the Vice President came forth and said what many are saying about the right of gays to marry. He said the recognizing of gay marriage should be decided by the States in which the persons live. But is that right? The answer is no! Marriage is the creation of God! The Almighty said in the Garden of Eden, "It is not good for man to be alone, I will make a helper for him," (Genesis 2:18). God then made Eve from the rib of Adam, and she became his wife (Gen. 2:21–25).
Later on, Jesus Christ affirmed "that in the beginning, God made them male and female, and what God has joined together, let not man put asunder!" (Matthew 19:4–6). So the issue has already been decided by Almighty God in Heaven, and those who attempt to tamper with the subjects He has ordained for the marriage bond are fighting against God (Acts 5:38–29, Acts. 9:5–6). To them who cry out for the states to define marriage, please remember these words: "What God has joined together, let not man put asunder." Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. With school beginning this week, students can start the school year right, by not acting like a fool during this term (Proverbs 12:23, Prov. 14:24).
Parents go though a lot to get their children in school; and the children can show appreciation by studying hard and behaving. During last year's term, many students got drunk, had sex, got into fights, used foul language, and committed all other kinds of evil behavior. Such isn't good for anyone, especially the student, because he must answer to God for the behavior (John 12:48, Ecclesiastes 12:14, 2 Corinthians 5:10, Romans 14:12). The major mistake made by students is they don't know God, because many have parents in the same condition, and that explains the way the student acts. We want to invite students to start reading the bible while their minds are young and can remember a lot (Eccl. 12:1). We would like to recommend the book of Acts as a great place to start. Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. |