The NBC show "The Apprentice", uses the 70's song, "Money, Money, Money" which was performed by the R&B group, the O'Jays. We would like to share a few things with you concerning what the word of God teaches about money. First of all, money belongs to God and He gives it to man (Psalms 50:10–12, 1 Kings 3:13). Money is also great if it is earned honestly (Ephesians 4:28, 2 Thessalonians 3:6–9). Money is to be used to take care of the family (1 Timothy 5:8, Genesis 43:19–22). To buy the things desired (2 Samuel 24:24, 1 Kings 21:2). Money is to be used to help those in need (Luke 10:34–35). Money is to be used to pay bills (Romans 13:6–8).
Money should never be placed before God (Matthew 6:33). A person should save some of his money (Proverbs 21:20, Luke 15:11–14). A person shouldn't commit sin in order to get paid (2 Peter 2:15, Matt. 26:14–16). And last, but not least, men shouldn't love money (1 Timothy 6:10). Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. Have you ever wondered how much time you have left to live? You may be in the best health of your life, but still, have you wondered how much time you have left? Death is active every minute of the day, for there are constant landings and takeoffs of the angels, as they carry the souls of the departed to the Hadean world to await the final judgment (Luke 16:22, Psalm 90:10). Ever wonder when your flight to the unseen is scheduled? It doesn't matter if you're an atheist or agnostic, you will be departing on your flight one day (Hebrews 9:27, Romans 5:12, Job 30:23, Ecclesiastes 3:3).
The tragic thing about atheists and agnostics is, their beliefs will be proven wrong after death, and there is no way they will be able to redeem themselves (Eccl. 11:3, John 8:21). But a living person can prepare himself for the flight of death by obeying the gospel of Jesus Christ (Revelation 14:13, 1 Corinthians 15:1–6). Don't let death catch you unprepared. Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. Many say they are pleased with their lives and the churches they attend, so don't bother speaking to them about God. But, it is possible for a person to be satisfied with himself and not be pleasing to God (2 Samuel 11:27, Proverbs 14:12, Isaiah 55:8–9). For example, there are many tax cheats, liars, drunks, crack heads, and unworthy people on food stamps who are pleased with their life. Does that make those people right? Do you think God is pleased with them?
In Luke 18:18–25, we read of a rich man who walked away from Christ because he was pleased with his life style and didn't want to do what the Lord required. Did that make this man right? He certainly must have been satisfied with his life because he refused to change. But this didn't make him right and neither will such satisfaction of self make us right. What will make us right is complete obedience to God's word and relying on it to be our guide (Psalms 119:105, Acts 17:11, 1 John 4:1, 2 Timothy 2:15, John 5:39, James 1:22–25). Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. The lost are those who will go into everlasting punishment on Judgment Day (Matthew 25:46). The lost can be split up into these groups.
Hope to hear from you or see you at the services |