This is only for people who believe the Bible to be God's word.
Here are some things for youngsters to think about. Don't be sassy or disrespectful toward your parents. Don't lie to, nor steal money from your parents. Don't follow bad examples set by your parents and others, be your own person in that realm because you will have to answer to God yourself. Stay in school and study hard and make something of yourself. Don't take drugs and stay away from people who have nothing positive to offer. Choose your friends by what they are, not by what they have. Don't select immoral actors and athletes as your role models; select people who are serving the Lord and setting examples of holiness. Start going to church and studying the Bible. Wait until marriage to have sex because sex before marriage is sin; and if you face peer pressure, remember one can overcome sexual tension through the teachings of God's word. There are far too many teenagers having babies and messing their lives up early, so don't join them in such chaos. Don't smoke, use profane speech, cheat, back stab, or be lazy. Plan your goals and work toward them. Put God first, and He will help you to succeed. Here are some scriptures for you to read (2 Timothy 5:22; Titus 2:6–8; Mark 16:16; 2 Thessalonians 3:10; 1 Corinthians 6:18; 2 Peter 3:10–13; 1 Peter 2:13–14; Romans 16:16; Proverbs 4:13–27, 6:20–35; Matthew 5:27–37; Philippians 4:8; Ecclesiastes 12:1; Prov. 15:3, 23:22; Romans 12:17–21, 13:8–14). Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. This is only for people who believe the Bible to be God's word.
One thing very common to northeastern cities is litter—yes trash! Look anywhere and it won't be hard to find bottles, paper, tires, food, dead animals, etc. To some people, littering is just like walking out a door—it comes very easy. There are two things about litter that makes it sinful in the eyes of God. First, it is against the law. The laws of the land prohibit irresponsible acts like people throwing litter around. The word of God makes it clear that our Father in Heaven wishes for citizens to comply with the laws of the land and do what is good for themselves and others (Romans 13:1–7; 1 Peter 2:13–17). The laws against littering are for the good of every city, state, and nation, for it promotes clean living for the community. Second, littering is offensive to those working to promote the right thing among men. Imagine a person who has cleaned an area, only to return and find that some slob has left a box of half-eaten chicken, candy wrappers, and an empty bottle of beer. Talk about mad, the person who cleaned the area will have every right to be mad because whoever left that trash could care less about the hard effort it took to clean the place. So if you don't want to cause offense, don't litter (2 Corinthians 6:3). And by the way, what are trash cans for? Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. This is only for people who believe the Bible to be God's word.
This past week the world saw hundreds of Muslims destroying things because a Danish newspaper published a cartoon implying that their Prophet Muhammad was in favor of doing destructive things. If someone draws a cartoon implying something about one's god, hero, etc., and the response is violence, then it serves to confirm the cartoon is correct or that the followers don't know the history of their leader (you can read about Muhammad's history in books). People must not reply to what they consider as wrong doing with wrong doing (Matthew 5:10–12, 5:38–48; 1 Peter 2:19–23). To do so is to show that the person who drew the cartoon was probably right because if the leader was like that, so will the followers be (1 Corinthians 11:1, Matt. 15:13–14; Acts 5:34–37; Matt. 23:15). Setting things on fire, killing, mauling, and being full of wrath, aren't the traits of people who are children of God. Such traits are works of wickedness, found only in the children of the Devil (John 8:39–44; James 3:13–18, 1:17–27; Romans 13:12–14, 3:10–18). Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Creator of the world, and Judge of all, made it perfectly clear that the use of swords against the enemies of truth isn't the answer (Matt. 26:50–52). Jesus also said that His followers shouldn't desire the deaths of those who refuse to obey the truth. Two of Jesus' followers wanted to command fire to fall from heaven upon those who had rejected Christ, but Jesus rebuke them (Luke 9:51–56). Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. This is only for people who believe the Bible to be God's word.
St. Valentines Day will be here soon and as tradition has it, people will go to city halls to get married on that day. Some of the people are getting married for the rightreason, but many are not. God will be pleased with some of the marriages and with others He will not. Some people have no right to get married in the eyes of God and even though a court may pronounce one married that doesn't mean God is going to agree with that verdict and stamp His approval on the union (Isaiah 55:8). John the Baptizer was a great preacher in his day, and he let King Herod know that his marriage was not lawful in the eyes of God (Matthew 14:4, 19:6). Anyone planning to marry should have a Bible study on the subject to see if he is eligible in the eyes of God to marry. And shame on those religious leaders who don't teach people the truth on the subject of marriage—these leaders ask no questions and offer no Biblical advice. You religious leaders, don't you think you ought to study the Bible with the people first? Do you let them know that the Bible teaches that there are three kinds of people who are eligible to marry? Those who have never married (Genesis 2:18). Those who are widowed (Romans 7:1–4). Those who have put their spouses away because that person committed adultery (Matthew 19:9). Or maybe you don't mind pronouncing "man and wife" upon someone who may not be worthy of the title? (Isaiah 5:20–21). Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. |