Intolerance is defined as, “having no respect nor place for that which has the right to exist.” During the past decade, we have seen the promoters of the gay lifestyle use this word to condemn anyone who doesn’t share their view. Defending the so-called right to be gay is now a major division in our land, and the reason is because men refuse to accept what the Bible teaches. If men had accepted the word of the Lord, this issue wouldn’t even had made it out of someone’s mouth, much less “out of the closet.”
The Bible teaches that in the beginning God created male and female, and at the close of His work he said that all was good (Genesis 1:31). During the flood, God told Noah to take male and female animals into the ark, so they could populate the earth once the flood was over (Gen. 7:1-3). God also said in earlier times that each species is to produce after its kind (Gen. 1:20-25). So it is clear that God intends for relationships to be between males and females, and that is so simple, one would have to want to miss it, to miss it. But that wouldn’t be anything new because men have always sought out ways that are wrong (Ecclesiastes 7:29; Romans 3:10-13). And here is something to really think about—no promoter of the homosexual way came into existence by the lifestyle that they are advocating. As a matter of fact, if everyone became gay tomorrow; all human life would cease to exist within 100 years. One of the strongest arguments against the homosexual way is the fact that it cannot produce life. Homosexuals cannot do so because God hasn’t authorized their way of life, and since the Father didn’t authorize it, that way must have come from man and has no right to exist (Psalm 127:1). Now we come to the word intolerance. If a thing is wrong and someone opposes it, how can that person be intolerant? Homosexual behavior is wrong, and it will remain wrong because God didn’t create it (Matthew 19:4-6; Gen. 2:18-25; Proverbs 18:22; Rom. 1:24-32). And all I’m doing, and all that others who believe what God has said, are doing, is attempting to get a liberal-minded world to return back to the principles God has given to us as human beings (Hebrews 13:4; 1 Corinthians 11:1-3; Ephesians 5:22-26; 1 Peter 3:1-7; Titus 2:2-5; 1 Timothy 5:14). We are like Jonah the prophet who cried that Nineveh will be destroyed in 40 days (Jonah 3:4). Now Jonah wasn’t intolerant, he was simply making the necessary correction to a city that had gone astray into sin (Jonah 3:6-10). The word “intolerance” has been hijacked by the homosexual promoters who want to use it to further their cause, and people this ought not to be. Beware! ~James Baker |
December 2012