A martyr, as revealed by the word of God, is one who is persecuted for what he believes and is finally killed by his oppressors because he refuses to denounce what he believes. A martyr dies himself and doesn't plan or seek to take others with him, whether they be his oppressors or just innocent people. Let me repeat just in case someone didn't quite understand, a martyr is someone who is suffering based on what he has believed and is finally killed because of that belief, and he dies alone, not plotting the death of others. A martyr is a righteous person in good favor with God and isn't a fanatic or homicidal. You won't see him walking into a crowded mall and murdering shoppers when his back pack explodes (Revelation 2:10, Mark 8:35–36, Acts 6:8–15, Acts 7:1–60, Acts 21:10–14, Matthew 24:8–9, Hebrews 11:36–40, 2 Timothy 4:6–8).
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