Increasing murders though out world cities have proven that life in the eyes of many is cheap. People will kill over here, rape over there, and steal down the road. Back before God sent the flood upon the earth, He observed the evil which men were dishing out on each other, and it saddened Him to see this kind of behavior (Genesis 6:5-7).
The evil of man still sickens the Creator, and just because it may seem that He isn’t around, you can be assured that He is (Proverbs 15:3). There is no magic stick to wave and make evil go away. Evil is stopped when a person comes to his or her senses and realizes that a wicked life isn’t right (Luke 13:3, 15:17-19; Acts 2:28). The way of God isn’t popular, but it is the only way which men can make evil go away (John 14:6; Matthew 24:35; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11). The Devil just keeps on doing his work, and that is for 24 hours a day. It doesn’t matter if a person is gay, muslim, atheist, etc. If you don’t agree, there is the polemic platform: have a debate. Let each side present their evidence and allow the listeners to conclude who has the truth. But, what one must not do is get a gun, walk into a place, and open fire. No one has the right to do that.
The Bible teaches that murder is murder, and that is all there is to it (Romans 13:9-10). Such a sin will condemn a person to hell. That guy in Orlando might think he is headed for paradise after shooting up that night club, but such will not be the case for him, nor any other foolish person who decides to follow in his footsteps (Matthew 15:13-14). A person cannot win the approval of God by shooting and killing others simply they don’t agree with them. All shooters will be hell bound if they die in the gun battle with police (John 8:21). While people are in their beds sleeping; someone is out in the streets early in the am roaming around, up to no good. Why? Why is that person not sleeping like everyone else? I’ll tell you why. This person isn’t resting because he cannot do so. The Devil has no time for rest. He knows that he has little time so he must do as much damage as he can before the Judgement Day stops him.
“And the Lord said to Satan, “where have you been?” Satan answered “From going to and fro on the earth and from walking back and forth on it” (Job 1:7). “Therefore rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you having great wrath because he knows that he has a short time” (Revelation 12:12). “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). A person wakes up in the morning only to hear that car tires were slashed. Someone has been shot and killed. Someone robbed, assaulted, and raped. A fire bomb was thrown into a house. etc. The Devil takes no time off because he has too much work to do. As people continue to depart from the Lord and get comfortable in things that are wrong, they develop no concept of what is right (Proverbs 14:12, 21:2).
And if there are people living according to what the Lord requires, there will be a clash of cultures (Amos 3:3; 2 Corinthians 6:14-15). In one corner will be people who are crying for a return to the way which God has ordained and in the other corner will be those who cry: “it’s my life and I will live it as I want and I don’t care what others think”(Jeremiah 7:1-34). If this kind of mentality continues and the majority goes in the direction which is wrong, it could lead to persecution of Christians (Matthew 10:16-23). This happened in ancient times when Rome immersed itself in the heathen way of life, and the Christians attempted to get Rome to repent. Instead the government arrested the Christians and threw many to the lions (John 16:2). America shouldn’t accept this shameful way of life where Christians are attacked and sued for speaking the truth. |