Many say, “I forgive, but I don’t forget.” Well, this so called forgiveness isn’t of any profit, and it’s certainly not the way the Lord does when He forgives. After a person has obeyed the gospel and is a Christian, God is willing to forgive those who will repent and ask His forgiveness (Isaiah 1:10-20; Acts 2:37-38).
After that, God doesn’t keep the sin of man still on the books and neither will He bring it up again in the future. When God forgives, He forgets, and so should men (Hebrews 10:17). Yet, we still see those who hold grudges and refuse to give second chances to those who seek forgiveness. None can be forgiven of their trespasses if they refuse the same courtesy to others (Matthew 6:12, 18:21-35; James 2:13; Ephesians 4:31-32). We best get rid of all those grudges and start forgiving because the mercy we refuse to show today will be denied us tomorrow (Galatians 6:7; Proverbs 11:5; Numbers 32:23; Proverbs 26:27; Daniel 6:24). The eyes of God are everywhere. He sees everything and in the course of a day, He sees some very wicked, messed up stuff (Proverbs 15:3; Psalm 94:9). With this being the case, it is amazing that some will do the wrong things without regard that the Lord is looking right at them and recording the deed (Ecclesiastes 12:14; Hebrews 4:13).
People who do stupid stuff like that are either ignorant of God’s presence or so corrupt that they just don’t care. (That is not right now). But after death they will care because they will stand before God condemned when He brings the evil deeds up again for account (2 Corinthians 5:10; Revelation 20:12; Luke 8:17; Romans 2:16). God has the upper hand over man. Man will never out smart or escape from the clutches of his Maker (Psalm 44:21; Jeremiah 23:24). So the smart course is to do the right thing. Big brother isn’t watching—God is! Sometimes it takes huge inconveniences to get mankind to slow down and consider that the world doesn’t revolve around our every move. The hurricane that moved though the Southern coastal states last week made that perfectly clear by stopping mankind in his tracks. Airlines, car’s, nightlife, businesses, state governments, and everything else came to a screeching halt.
And guess what? A slow down will occur again by another natural or man-made disaster. But the granddaddy of them all will be the Judgment! (Acts 17:31). On that great day, all men will stop their busy lives to stand before Jesus Christ and be judged for the deeds done in life (Romans 14:9-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Matthew 25:31-46). So that storm taught us much, and we need to reflect on the fact that nothing keeps going uninterrupted (not even those energizer batteries) (1 Thessalonians 5:1-10; James 4:13-15; Luke 12:16-20). It is shameful that some will accept what is said about others without confirming it. For example, If Bobby tells Herman, that Stanley was laughing at Scott’s teeth, Herman will believe it. But the right thing would have been for Herman, to ask Stanley if he laughed at Scott’s teeth.
And if Bobby is so opposed to people laughing at others teeth, why did he have to run and tell Herman? The thing that he shouldn’t done, is go to Stanley and let him know that making fun of people is offensive. This all became gossip, when Bobby went to the third person rather then dealing with the person involved. If we hear something about another person, we need to realize that such rumor, because we didn’t see it. And we sure don’t need to be spreading rumors. If we are concerned about what we hear, we need to go directly to the person and find out. Also we need to refuse to listen to people who spread things about others (Acts 17:21; 1 Timothy 5:13; Proverbs 18:8; Leviticus 19:16; Proverbs 20:19, 26:20,22; Matthew 18:15; Galatians 2:11; 2 Corinthians 12:20). A man of faith running for public office is often targeted with questions pertaining to his beliefs and how such will effect his job performance. First of all, anyone running for public office would be insane to refuse help from God (1 Kings 9:2-7). But understand this, God is only going to help those who are faithful (Psalm 34:8-17). So, if a President desires help from God, he must be doing what is pleasing to God.
There is no way God will bless a President who is passing laws that are in conflict with His word (Proverbs 14:34, 11:11; Psalm 33:10-22; 1 Kings 15:25-26, 16:29-34). If homosexuality, abortion, and state lotteries are contrary to the laws of God, then no person of faith serving in public office can be in approval of such things. A man of faith is to live what he knows is right in the eyes of God (2 Chronicles 26:3-5). Also the President will have the best interest of the nation in mind if he vetoes bills that establish sinful practices (2 Kings 18:1-8). Our nation is supposed to be a Christian nation, founded upon religious principles. So why do we get angry and suspicious of a person with morals? Could it be be that most of us have no morals, and we are threaten by those who do? |