Many are confused by the fourth of the ten commandments, "Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy." Ex 20:8. By going to church on Sunday, some people think they are obeying this command. But that is not the case.
The ten commandments are a part of the Old Testament given to the Jews, prior to Christ death on the cross. Lk 16:16. His death terminated the old testament and established the new testament which is for today. Matt 26:28. Heb 9:14-26. Heb 10:9-10. Col 2:10-17. 2 Cor 3:3-14 The Sabbath isn't part of the law of Christ and one can't keep what isn't the law of God. Rom 4:15. The Sabbath was the 7th day of the week. (Saturday) And on that day, travel and cooking restrictions were in place, and anyone caught working on the Sabbath, was put to death. Ex 20:11. Ex 31:12-18. Ex 16:22-30. One's word is his bond; so do you complete what you say? Or do you tell lies? Some people lie all day long and they are so good at it, they can smile and cough at the same time. Pro 14:5. Let us not be champion liars, but people who only speak if able to deliver what is promised. Pro 30:8.
Everything that comes out of the mouth will fall on the ears of someone who will be relying upon what has been spoken. And just that fact alone should make everyone determined to make good on what is spoken. If you don't mean it, don't say it and you won't get in trouble for it. Eccl 5:1-5. There is just too much of this nonsense going on and too many ruined people walking around because of it. Pro 29:12. Zech 10:2. Ez 13:22. Jer 29:31. One thing that occurs during the month of December is stealing packages off porches. Those who steal packages from houses are in violation of the command which tells man not to steal. Ephesians 4:28.
Thieves will answer to God. 2 Corinthians 5:10. Those who steal packages also don't treat others as they wish to be treated. For example, if the thief was expecting a package, he wouldn't want someone to steal his package. Matthew 7:12. Those who steal packages make life worst for others and that is in violation of the word of God. Philippians 2.3-5. Romans 15.2 Stealing someone package requires the creation of an evil act and that is sinful in the eyes of God. Proverbs 24:8. To steal a package, means that the person needs to repent and failure to do so will send that person to hell. Luke 13:3. Going to hell is a huge price to pay for stealing a package. Matthew 13:49-50. If the package isn't yours, leave it alone. Someone did the work and paid the money for that package and that person isn't you! Ford trucks are built tough says the commercial and we can understand what the Ford motor company is saying. But what would you do if you met someone who said that Ford trucks have no creator? That person simply believes the trucks came from nothing. What would you say to prove him wrong? Do you believe the design features of the truck show evidence of a creator? What about the airbag? Tilt steering? AM/FM stereo? etc? The truth is yes, all these functions are the work of a mind that put them into motion, they have a creator.
Now what about a more sophisticated thing like a human being? King David took one look at himself and declared "I am fearfully and wonderfully made". Psa 139.14. Gen 2.7. David didn't have the knowledge of the human body like we do today, yet he knew that the body was the most complex working function on earth. So why do we have atheist's and skeptic's? If we can see a creator in the design of other things, why not in the creation of man? To question the existence of God is to close ones eyes to the work of his hands which can be clearly seen. Rom 1.19-22. Psa 14.1. 19.1-4. 102.24-28. 104.1-5. And for a bonus, the next time you see a rainbow remember God said such would be a sign that he won't destroy the earth by a flood. Gen 9.8-17 It is amazing what some people demand of God in order for them to believe in Him. Matt 27.39-44. Mark 8.11-12. News flash! It isn't supposed to be that way! God created mankind and the world and He gives us life and goodness daily. Acts 17.24-28. Therefore, He doesn't have to prove anything to man; instead it's the other way around, man needs to do some proving to God. Romans 9.20-21.
Man can start proving being worthy of God by simply accepting and believing that He is. Hebrew 11:6 1 Peter 1:8-9. This is all man needs to do and this is all God needs to allow. As His creation, we owe Him all the respect that we can muster up and we don't need to insult Him by making some foolish statement challenging Him to do something to convince us of His existence. The Lord has removed much hardship from the earth and some of it, man will probably never know anything about. Deuteronomy 29:29. Job 28:23-24. However, He cannot remove all evil things from the earth; for if He did so, we would be living in heaven. Revelations 21:1-5.
Heaven isn't this life; it is the next and God wants men to desire the reward of heaven in the hereafter and not be enjoying peace and security in this life. Philippians 3:20. The word of God said, ?Set your affections on things above not on things on the earth. Colossians 3:1-4. 2 Corinthians 5:1-2. Matthews 6:19-21. So, the next time you hear someone say; "Why did God allow this to happen?" Keep in mind that before that unfortunate encounter, God has been busy taking out many evils all over this world and some will have to be left so that man can realize that preparation for heaven is essential. Matthews 25:1-13 Matthew 5:45, teaches that God sends His rain and sunshine on the just and the unjust. That is because God is good, and He does wonderful things even for those who don't deserve it.
Just because God has blessed a person with material things, doesn't mean He is pleased with that person. Psa 37.7.35. To take God?s blessings as proof He is smiling on us, is to fail to understand the nature of God. Nahum 1.7. Gen 39.4-6. If a person wants to be in God?s good graces while enjoying the blessings of God. That person must obey the gospel of Christ. 1 Cor 15.1-2. Those who fail to do so; will suffer the wrath of God at the Judgment. 2 Thess 1.7-8. Rom 1.16-17. The gospel details the offering of Christ for the sins of the world and that men must come into contact with His blood in order to begin a relationship with Him. The rest of the gospel commands men to conform to godly virtues so the relationship can continue. If you want to know what the gospel teaches; contact us. Tom said he wants to get right so he will not go to hell after death. Heb 9:27. Fair enough! Everyone needs to get their soul right and avoid the fires of hell. Matt 3:7. Acts 16.29-30.
The fires of hell are terrible, a place of darkness where the punishment doesn?t end. Matt 25.46. Matt 13.40-43. Mark 9.43-48. Saving the soul, begins with being taught the gospel of Jesus Christ and obeying it. John 6.45. 1 Cor 15.1-2. When a person obeys the gospel he makes commitment to the Lord and has his sins washed away by baptism. Acts 22.16. Acts 2:37-47. Acts 16:31-33. Rom 6.1-17. Obeying the gospel places one into the church and there he is safe. Acts 2.47. 1 Cor 12.13. Col 1.13-14. John 10.9. Being in the church of the Lord is just the start, faithfulness is required till death. Rev 2.10. The gospel is here and available for all who wish to hear it. Mark 12.29. Acts 15.7. Acts 18.8. Rom 10.9-17. How about getting a Bible and reading this scripture. "Woe to him who gives drink to his neighbor, pressing him to your bottle, even to make him drunk, that you may look on his nakedness!" Habakkuk 2:15
Talk about the "me too movement." It sure didn't exist back in those times, but we see that drugging females or males and undressing them for sexual pleasure was something that evil people did. Things don't really change; they just upgrade to modern technology and roll right along. Ecclesiastes 1:9-10. But, back to the topic at hand, taking advantage of someone who is helpless and incapacitated is just deplorable. We are glad that God doesn't sleep and He causes some evildoers to be exposed in this life. But just because He doesn't expose all drug toting predators right now; doesn't mean that He won't reserve a place in His court room on the Judgment Day. No one will get away with anything and it is better to be exposed in this life; than wait till after death for it to happen. John 8:21-24. |