If you aren't a Christian, just give me an ear for a moment. I'm not asking you to believe what I believe because if you are at odds with Christianity, I supposed you have already made your choice. However, let us reason for a while to see where we stand and how we got there.
The founding Fathers of our nation made it no secret that this country would be founded upon the right to worship God without oppression. That is why the pilgrims endured the agony of the high seas to reach this land so they could be free from the church of England. The freedom of expression has been given to citizens of this land, so why can't the Christian be free to express himself? Do we want to go back to the days of Rome when Christians were being thrown to lions? Consider these examples that I will mention to you. A gay man is given the green light to speak out and promote the agenda of the gay community, and he is told that he has that right. Sean Penn upon receiving the Oscar for best actor, spoke out against those who voted for proposition 8, telling them that they should rethink their opposition to gay rights, and Sean was told he had the right to say what he did. As for the claim that Penn had that right, I cannot disagree. However, on the another hand, when a Christian disagrees with the gay advocate and speaks out about his opposition, he is told to shut up or is accused of being intolerant or promoting hate speech. Why is that? The gay community must understand that there are people who don't agree with them. Christians must understand that there are gay people who don't agree with them. But both sides should have the right to disagree and make their case without being told to shut up or being accused of being intolerant.etc. Yet, we see a double standard being thrown in the way of the Christians. It's not fair for one side to be given the clearance to freely express themselves and the other side being told to shut up. The Christian should have the right to speak what he knows about the word of God on a subject. The gay advocate must understand that the reason why the Christian doesn't agree with him is because the Christian has read what the Lord said about same-sex relations. From the scriptures, the Christian sees that such relationships aren't authorized by God, and the Christian is simply trying to get the homosexual advocate to see where he is in error. The Christian is trying to correct error and should have the right to do so, without being called names, shut down, or accused of being intolerant. The source of belief from both sides originate from two different places. The gay advocate believes that his life is acceptable because of his own thoughts. The Christian believes that the gay life isn't acceptable because of what the Bible teaches. So this is where both side take their stand. Regardless, neither of these sides have the right to shut the other down when that side is attempting to make a defense of their position. But as I have said, that is not the case in our land today. A person taking a stand based upon what the word of God says, is silenced or threatened with legal action or something else. This is wrong, a Christian has the right to speak and defend what he believes is the truth. I ask the gay advocates, what are you doing? Why do you impose upon another, what you don't want imposed upon you? ~James Baker Comments are closed.
December 2012