There are wonderful brethren who keep the money in the Lord’s treasury active. They do so by not stacking the money up and sitting on it (which is wrong) but by sending it regularly to worthy men who are preaching the gospel in their respective areas. These good brethren do so because they aspire to support the preaching of the word in cities other then their own because they, like Christ, see lost people all over the world (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:15-16).
These good brethren realize that the money in the treasury is not “our money,” and they would never dream of using such a term because they realize it belongs to the Lord and must be spent according to His will (Mark 12:17). These brethren have come to realize that such scriptures as 1 Corinthians 9:1-18, 2 Cor. 11:7-8, and Philippians 4:14-16 are speaking to them directly, and they feel obligated to answer the call. These brethren have great interest in the preaching of the gospel in cities other then their own, and they consider requests from preachers equal to paying the light, gas, and water bills. etc. These good brethren read all appeals for support that come in and will contact each writer and let them know if they are in position to render help. The good brethren of whom I speak realize one cannot get something for nothing (2 Samuel 24:24; 1 Cor. 9:7). They know that if churches want preachers that churches must pay preachers a worthy wage (1 Timothy 5:18). They know that a preacher is on call 24/7, and for that reason they want to be perfectly sure he is getting what he truly deserves. These good brethren have also taken notice of how well man-made churches support their preachers, and they learn not to allow false churches to show them up when it concerns supporting the preacher. And on a disgusting note, may I add that some denominational preachers pretty much drain their flocks dry, and people still send money to those preachers (2 Peter 2:1-3). The good brethren of whom I speak are wise enough to know that the gospel might not do as well in one place, as it might in another, but they still support the men who work with the church in those liberal secular areas (Mark 6:4-6; Acts 17:10-12; Matt. 10:14; Acts 13:44-52; Acts 8:5-8). The good brethren of whom I write are caring enough to inform a preacher with enough notice if they have to drop him from support. These brethren care about the man and realize that the preacher is dependent upon the check being in the mail. So, they will give a preacher enough notice so that he can make changes if the support must cease. They know that each man is a human being, and they care about his feelings so they won’t cut him with the insensitive remark, “this is your last check.” These brethren don’t want their employers doing such to them, so they don’t do that to a preacher (Matthew 7:12). In closing, let me thank God for the support that interested churches provide, and many have been doing so for years. The wish of all preachers is the more churches will aspire to fairly support their own preacher and then extend other support to men who are faithfully teaching all over the world. And once the support of men begins, churches need to keep in mind that supporting preachers is not like paying off a mortgage; pay for 30 years then its over. No, the support of preachers must continue in the local church until the end of time (1 Cor. 9:14). ~James Baker Comments are closed.
December 2012