The gay community has been asking this question for quite some time, and it is a question meant to stop opposition to their way of life. In other words, they seem to think that no one can answer it. But they are wrong about that, it can be answered, however, I’m not sure that I can talk to them about it.
You see, in order to answer this question, we must agree on a standard by which we examine our beliefs. For example, if two persons are debating bringing a baby from Iran into Pennsylvania one would have to consult with the law of the land. One could not argue “I feel it’s alright” or “I believe it is alright”. The law of the land would be the standard, and the debate must end around what the law said. Such is the case when we talk about homosexuality. The existence of same sex relations is not left up to a person to decide if it is sin or not. The existence of homosexual activity being sinful is left up to a Higher power, and it is to that Power we must go to answer the question. Now, if someone said, “a person can decide the question,” be careful, because if a person can decide the question, then I will decide it for everyone right now! I say, “Stop being Gay!” I now ask my gay opponent, is the question settled? And of course he will say no, because he doesn’t like my answer, and he will want to continue his homosexuality. So you see, we must look to another source for the answer and not how we think or feel. With that, I am going to direct us to what the Bible has to say on the subject of homosexuality. The Bible makes the claim to be the word of God, and I affirm that such is indeed the case, because man cannot refute it. So, I ask you to take a walk with me though the scriptures as we look at what God said. In the beginning, God saw that man should not be without a mate, so God decided to create woman to solve the problem of loneliness (Genesis 2:18-25). The decision to fill the void by having a mate was made by God, and it was the opposite sex who would serve as man’s companion (Matthew 19:4-6; 1 Corinthians 7:1-5, 11:8-9). At the close of the creation activities, God looked at everything, and He saw that all His work was good and ready for man (Gen. 1:31). So a person may ask, “who do I hurt by being gay?” You hurt God because He has a plan for you and that plan does not involve having the same sex as a partner. God went though all His work to get everything ready for mankind to exist on earth, then do we want to change it? Do we want to change His choice of the female for the man, into a man for the man and woman for a woman? In other words, we are telling God that we don’t like what He did for us, and we shall change it. So you see, we hurt God when we are gay. Imagine hosting a supper party and when your guests arrive, they tell you they are going to cook something else because they don’t like what you prepared. Now, what if one of your guests said, “who do I hurt by cooking something else?” Well, you would quickly say, “you are hurting me!” Next you hurt yourself, because by being gay, you are living a life which isn’t pleasing in the eyes of God. Homosexual acts are condemned by the Lord, and those who insist on living that way are threatening their own salvation (Roman 1:18-32; 1 Cor. 6:9-10; 1 Timothy 1:8-10; Jude 7). The gay person can be saved if they will repent of homosexual acts and accept the word of the Lord (Acts 2:38, 17:30; Romans 6:1-17; James 1:21-25). Third, a gay person hurts children when he brings them into a homosexual union. Children are born innocent and they don’t become lost until they become affected by the immoral actions of this life (Matthew 18:3-4; Ecclessiastes 7:29; Rom. 3:10-18; 1 John 3:4). Since homosexuality is a sin, the so-called gay parent is making sin appear to be alright. They tell children that two daddies or two mommies are natural, and it is not. Therefore the child will grow up deceived, thinking that gay unions are fine (Matthew 15:13-14). No gay person came to this life being the offspring of a gay union. No gay advocate came to this life through the cause which they promote. They all have fathers and mothers, the male and female union which gave birth to them. These people need to return to what God has ordained and shun the temptation of being caught up in the gay movement. I cannot close this article without saying something about hate speech and name calling. I have seen gay advocates called names of those who oppose them. The truth is, the hater is the one who won’t do what God Almighty said. The hater is the one who hates the work of God and wants to establish his own work. The truth is that the gay advocate needs to be tolerant of what God has said and to refuse that which God has not authorized, because God will judge man at the end. “And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, for this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder” (Matthew 19:4-6). This is not hate, but correction for our 2012 times. Am I your enemy because I tell you the truth on this subject? (Galatians 4:16). My job is to preach the word of God and not tell men what they want to hear (2 Timothy 4:1-5). How about the gay advocates becoming tolerant of the male/female relation which God created? Faithful people are only trying to get them to return to what God ordained. Famous people, doctors, and teachers are among those who agree with name calling, and they also state that this is 2012 and not ancient times. However, how one feels on this subject, name calling is not the answer. Even if it is done by a famous or non famous person. Obeying the word of God is the answer. And by the way, many so-called churches don’t teach the truth on homosexual actions. That is why, Hell will be full of churches who didn’t teach truth (Matt. 7:21-22). ~James Baker Comments are closed.
December 2012