Since I wasn’t there when you were harmed by this church, I cannot dispute your claim, so I’ll going to take you at your word. Also because of your unpleasant encounter, you now say that you’ll never go to another church again.
Come on, do you really think you should be that way? What if you were done wrong by your job—would you never work again? What if you were served bad meals in several restaurants; would you never dine out again? Just because a bad encounter was permitted by one church, that doesn’t mean that other churches would condone it. I want you to know that there is another way to view this dilemma and that way is God’s way. Now be prepared for the fact that some people don’t like God’s way and they will claim persecution when confronted with what they need to do (Galatians 4:6). This is not mistreatment, but it is God being good and showing people how to be good in return by following His word and doing the right thing; which some people prove themselves unwilling to do (Romans 3:4; 2 Timothy 4:3). If a church truly did you wrong, you would know such by their violation of what the bible teaches (2 Timothy 4:14:18). By acting in a manner which is not in harmony with what the bible teaches, you were truly done wrong and that church needs to be rebuked (1 Tim 5:20). But some people come to church with the wrong ideals, they come to church not wanting to hear what God said about conforming lives (Romans 12:1-2). Instead they come to church thinking they know it all, that they need no improvement, nor do they need to change how they live (1 Corinthians 8:2). This is a recipe for disaster because the word of God cannot help itself, it will effect sinful man (Hebrews 4:12; Rom. 1:16; Acts 24:24-25). Instead of crying “foul” men should embrace God’s instruction and live up to it (James 1:22). In Mark 10:17-31 we are introduced to the young rich ruler who thought that Jesus had done him wrong by telling him to give up all he possessed in order to follow Him. The man walked away very sad and who knows what crazy story he may have told his friends about what the Lord said. Jesus did this man no wrong, Jesus knew the man loved riches too much and that would keep him from reaching his goal of making it to heaven, so the Lord told him the best advice he needed to hear. Shame is, that was not what he wanted to hear. The point of all of this is; did you become upset by something the bible said or something someone did? If the bible was clearly taught to you and you became offended, the problem is not that church, it is you. Your problem isn’t with that church, your problem is with what your Maker said. You didn’t like what your Maker said, so you aren’t going back to His church to hear anything else He has to say. So, be honest with yourself; were you really done wrong or did you simply get angry because someone tried to help you by teaching you something you didn’t want to hear? (Acts 7:55-57). There is no room for error concerning this matter, you must make the right choice because your soul is at stake. ~James Baker Comments are closed.
December 2012