Saturday once stood for “the Sabbath”, a day of rest that was commanded by God. In Genesis 2:1-3, the Lord took a personal Sabbath, resting from His work of creating the world. When the Israelites left Egypt, God taught them to keep the Sabbath, and they did so until Christ took it away by His death on the cross (Exodus 20:8-11, 31:12-17; Colossians 2:13-17).
We, however, are writing about the first day of the week which is Sunday. In the Bible, this day is called the “Lord’s Day” (Revelation 1:10). It is the day when the saints come together to worship God, observe the communion, and give into the treasury of the local church (Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:1-4). It is to be a day when men do what God expects and not use it exclusively for selfish pursuits. Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. Getting along with others is vital, and here are some pointers. Refuse slander because it’s infectious and only contaminates (Proverbs 15:18, 26:17-22). A person’s mouth must be used for encouragement not destruction (James 3:8-12; Ephesians 4:29; Colossians 4:6; Luke 4:22). When people do you wrong, don’t resort to violence. Physically attacking someone is based upon wrath and such actions never work righteousness (James 1:20). Don’t be a walking time bomb because such people are always in trouble and apologizing because of their tempers. The Bible teaches, “wrath rests in the bosom of fools” (Ecclesiastes 7:9).
Look at the example set by Jesus. He was slandered and suffered many wrongs, yet He didn’t repay evil for evil (1 Peter 2:21-23; Romans 12:17-21). When issues arise, men must settle them honorably (Philippians 2:3-5; 1 Thessalonians 5:15; 2 Corinthians 8:21; Col. 3:13). Being friendly toward others cannot hurt—a smile requires a few face muscles, while a frown demands more. So if you are feuding with someone and would like to work toward peace, give them a sincere greeting. If the person has the right spirit, he will respond in a positively. If not, you have done what you could, so move on (Proverbs 14:7). Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. The trumpet which will announce the end of the world will be a shocker! I cannot imagine what the volume of the blast will be like, but be assured it will be loud because the sound will be heard around the world! (Matthew 24:31; 1 Corinthians 15:52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16; 2 Peter 3:7-11).For those who don’t have a clue to what I’m talking about allow me to tell you.
Regardless of what atheists say, count on hearing a trumpet from the heavens announcing that the world is ending and for all to stand before God and be judged (2 Corinthians 5:10). Also on that Day the dead will be raised and they too will be judged (John 5:28-29). To anyone who hasn’t been taught about God and life after death, this might sound like fiction. But ask yourself, “Don’t you think men must pay the Piper?” (Hebrews 4:13). Man lives on God’s green earth soaking in His goodness and not have to face Him one day? Fiction is believing the opposite—that one can live and enjoy something that doesn’t belong to them and not have to answer for it. Yes, that is the real fiction. Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. There is quite a bit of wrong doing occurring in homes, and that has been proven by the bad behavior of high school students. When you have students beating up other students and going on downtown rampages, somebody hasn’t had the proper home training. The students' first steps are the home (maybe church if the parents go), the school, and the public. When you see a high school student, you are looking at the product of a home. In the home, a child is to be loved, fed, and taught how to be of good behavior. When you see respectful students doing well, you are looking at children from a home where sound teaching and discipline prevail (Proverbs 20:11).
Yes, parents share the blame and even if a son or daughter is rebellious, those parents must take the right steps to make sure their child doesn’t mislead or be misled (1 Timothy 3:4-5). The buck starts and ends with the parents, and they need to do their job because God will hold them responsible along with the child (Ephesians 6:1-4; Proverbs 10:1; Colossians 3:20-21; Psalm 78:1-4; Deuteronomy 6:4-9). Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. |