No one can prove that the Bible didn’t come from God. In this great book we find many things spoken centuries ago that man only found out recently. Notice that men thought the earth was flat, but the Bible confirmed it to be round. (Isaiah 40:22). Long before satellite pictures, the Bible said the Earth hangs upon nothing (Job 26:7). It was recently that ship captains found that there are paths and springs in the sea, however the Bible had already said so (Psalm 8:8; Job 38:16). Moses had no way of knowing the earth had many seas, yet he wrote that it did (Genesis 1:10). Only after advance learning did man know that the sun cannot shine on all parts of the earth, and that is why we have time zones. However the Bible speaks of it being night and day at the same time on the Judgment Day (Luke 17:31-36).
Doctors studied the human body and in this century found that the key to life is the blood, though the Bible had already said that centuries ago (Leviticus 17:11). How did the writers of the Bible know such things? God told them! The Bible is the word of God, and we better believe it. Hope to hear from you or see you at the services You don’t have to look very far to find a homeless person—some are in that condition because they filled their lives with alcohol, drugs, and rebellion. But on the same token, there are those who were forced into homelessness though changes that they couldn’t control. Because of the uncertainty of life, we have to admit becoming homeless can happen to anyone. We all must learn to be thankful to have any kind of home, be it ghetto or suburbs (Ephesians 5:20).
I realize there could be problems with the living conditions of homes and neighborhoods. But such is life, and we must find a way to overcome those hardships. Don’t you know that Jesus had no regular place to call home? (Luke 9:57-58). Yet, He was the perfect example of what it meant to be thankful (John 17:1-26). Since tomorrow isn’t promised, we need to reflect on how important the current day is and be thankful for the roof over our heads (Colossians 3:15; Psalm 136:26; Hebrews 13:15). Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. by John Shadowen
But his funeral was held last Wednesday, and He is survived by 18 specialists, 4 health institutes, 2 gymnasiums, and numerous manufacturers of antiseptics and health foods. He just made one mistake! He forgot God. He lived as if this world was all that counted. Now he exists with those who say, “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved” (Jeremiah 8:20). If you should die tonight, where would you spend eternity? (Luke 12:15-21, 16:19-31; Psalm 9:17; 1 Thessalonians 1:7-9). Hope to hear from you or see you at the services |