Ungodly income is that which is made in violation of the word of God (Psalm 1:1-6; Jude 15-19; 2 Peter 2:6; 1 Pet. 5:2; 1 Timothy 3:3 Acts 16:16-19; 1 Timothy 6:5-12; Ezekiel 22:12-13; Acts 1:16-18).
In Ephesians 4:28, the Bible teaches that man is to work with his hands doing that which is good. When the scriptures speak of that which is good, it is speaking of that which looks good to God and not what man may think is good (Proverbs 12:15, 14:12; Isaiah 55:8-9). There are certain ways in which men obtain income and God doesn’t like the way it is obtained. And since God doesn’t like it, such is immoral. What God condemns, no one can criticize (Romans 9:14-23, 11:34-36; Acts 10:15). The following ways of income stand condemned in the eyes of God and have no authority to exist: bribes or fraud; working in an abortion clinic; working in a porno theater; working in a go go or topless bar; gambling or casino work; manufacturing liquor or cigarettes for pleasure consummation; selling drugs; or being a hooker or escort providing sex. I shall stop right here, but I think this is enough to get one to thinking. Does your job exist because it violates some principle taught by the Bible? If so, you are earning ungodly income. Want to learn more? Contact us. Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. People say, "What is wrong with children today?" The answer is, they don’t have parents who love the Lord and teach God’s guidance in the home (Proverbs 22.6, 1:8-19, 3:1-12, 4:1-27). Many wait until their children are teenagers before trying to teach them and many don’t teach at all. Some parents don’t even know the whereabouts of their children when it’s late at night! The parents gave birth and they must take responsibility and train their sons and daughters from infancy. A person cannot bend a 100-year-old tree, but he sure can bend a young tree. So the children must be introduced to God while still in their youth (Ecclesiastes 12:1).
Much evil is out there waiting to influence the young, but parents must teach the word of God so their children will understand righteousness and avoid the wrong paths (Prov. 4:1-27). School teachers always talk about how hard it is to get parents’ involvement in teaching the students and back to school meetings, etc. The same can be said about a child wanting to go to church and his parents don’t. Remember this parents—you cannot lead if you are sitting on your sofa with a beer watching TV on Sunday. You should be taking your children to church. You cannot teach them about God if you don’t know Him yourself, and now is the time to do something about that. Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. Even though God created mankind, He and man will always see things differently. For example, man is always fighting over skin color and nationality, whereas God said that doesn’t matter (Acts 10:34-35; 1 Samuel 16:7). Men will not think favorably toward a church that has only a few members; but God doesn’t see it that way (Matthew 18:20, 7:14). Man thinks that if he does a portion of what God said and leaves the rest undone, that the Lord should be pleased; but God won’t be (Matt. 7:21-27; 1 Sam. 15:1-23). Man thinks he can redefine marriage with the same sex, but God who is the Creator of marriage, disagrees (Gen 2:18, 21-25; Proverbs 18:22; 1 Corinthians 7:1-4, 11:8-9; Matt. 19:4-6).
Man believes he can worship God as he pleases, but God said men must worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24; Romans 12:11; John 17:17). Men think they can divorce and remarry for any reason, but God said fornication is the only reason (Matt. 19:9). Man thinks it is okay to have sex outside marriage but God doesn’t (Hebrews 13:4). Man calls correction “judging,” whereas God calls the action warning a lost soul (Jude 21-23). I shall now cease to give examples because man doesn’t have a heaven to give you or a Hell to send you to. Peter said, “it is best to obey God and not men” (Acts 5:29). Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. Purposely being shot in the heart by your best friend. Having your mother steal your wallet. Being attacked by the person who is supposed to protect you. All these shocking actions are Betrayal.
In Matthew 26:21 Jesus said, “one of you will betray me.” These chilling words sent shock waves though the hearts of all the disciples, and pretty much ruined the rest of the dinner. If you really want to hurt someone beyond repair, just betray them. Once betrayed, a person is harder to win back then a conquered city. The lesson in all this is, don’t betray anyone. Trust is a hard thing to build up, it may take years to do so, and one evil act like betrayal can destroy it in a second. Imagine the shock on the face of the one that is betrayed; the unbelieving stare, the tears, the question: “Why? Why? I thought you were my friend?” Don’t do this evil deed to anyone! If you have people trust, keep it, don’t betray that trust! Hope to hear from you or see you at the services. |