The murders in Chicago aren’t the fault of the government nor failure of the police. The murders in Chicago exist because people have made the decision to kill. A guy can plot to rob a bank and kill all the employees and customers. An abusive husband can shoot his wife and children dead. Two young men arguing in the streets can pull out guns and open fire on each other. A robber can open fire upon a fleeing victim killing him or sending a bullet into the park striking a child. Gangs and drug dealers can declare war on rivals filling the streets with blood, etc, etc. All this evil begins in the minds of the person or persons carrying out the deeds.
Such evil cannot be eliminated until people cease their works of sin (Genesis 6:5-13; Jonah 3:6-10; Ezekiel 33:11). That is why the gospel of Jesus Christ is very important to the lives of men (1 Timothy 1:9-17). We need the word of the Lord to teach us to refuse evil and embrace good, to control ourselves and to get along with others (Proverbs 2:1-22). The church of the Lord is attempting to reach men right now. The church would like to help men understand that God has a better way to live, but man must be willing to accept what the scriptures teach (John 1:12; James 1:20-21). Thomas asked Scott why he doesn’t use profane language. To which Scott replied; “it costs more than I can afford.” Now maybe you are puzzled by all of this, so allow me to explain what Scott meant.
Scott had some knowledge of the word of God and he knew that words aren’t free. Like a credit card, man’s use of them will have to be paid one day. Jesus Christ said, “I say unto you, that every idle word men shall speak, they shall give account on the day of judgment, For by words thou shalt be justified, and by your words thou shalt be condemned” (Matthew 12:36-37). Scott doesn’t use profanity because he doesn’t want to answer to the Lord on Judgment Day and have those words condemn his soul to a burning Hell. Next time you hear someone use obscenity, be sure to remember what you have learned today. Can that person afford what they just said? Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice!”
That’s the way it going to be with the person who is obeying the word of God. He has an anchor to keep grounded as the daily storms of life exist around him. The faithful are not spared a lot of the problems of life—they face them too. But the difference is the faithful have God’s help while the other people don’t (Psalm 34:1-22). It’s like having or not having insurance. All need it, all aren’t spared problems, but it is good to have when problems come. And those with car crashes and health problems, face serious consequences by not having insurance. A faithful person is happy because when life ends a greater reward awaits. Those without God go though life miserable, die, and face damnation. One who is standing before a blazing fire shouldn’t spray gasoline in its presence. Water should be used to put the fire out, and if it cannot be put out, one must flee. It will do no good for a wife to further incite a blazing husband who is screaming. If she does, she will make the matter worse. And of course any man who cared about his family wouldn’t behave in such a way (Ephesians 5:25-29).
A soft response should be used before wrath because the word of God teaches it will change the situation (Proverbs 15:1,18, 30:33). However, not all men have faith (2 Thessalonians 3:1-3). Rather than contributing to wrath, one should flee. No wife will have a good ending when going toe to toe with an enraged husband. Neither are two men arguing in the streets because bullets will fly. Jesus Christ was threatened by an angry mob, and He left them (John 7:1). The Apostle Paul was threatened by angry people, and he left them (Acts 19:29-31). Walk away, run away, never go back that way, do something to get yourself away from a person full of wrath. Do it quickly! |