Don’t stay away from church because you are poor (There is no admission charge). Because you are rich (Money isn’t all). Because it is cold and rainy (You go other places in bad weather). Because it is hot (So is the beach and golf course).
Because no one invited you (People go lots of places uninvited). Because of hypocrites (We have them everywhere). Because you have relatives from out of town (Bring them along). Because you have children (We offer Bible classes for them). Because you think your clothes don’t look good (God isn’t concern about that). Because you don’t like the preacher (You shouldn’t hate anyone). Because the church is always asking for money (We don’t do that here). Because you think that you have plenty of time (Life is short and uncertain). (Psalm 144:4). “Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before before the Lord” (Psalm 95:6). God has a book in which He records the names of all persons who will go to Heaven, and this is one book that you will want your name in (Luke 10:20; Philippians 4:3). In order to be written in this book, a person must obey the gospel of Jesus Christ and not only that, but remain faithful in the service of the Lord (Revelation 2:10; 2 Timothy 4:6-8; Rev. 3:5).
A person could start out right with the Lord, but fall out of favor by willfully sinning and God will blot that person’s name out of the book of life (Exodus 32:33). You don’t want that to happen to you. On the Day of Judgment, men will stand before Jesus Christ to be judged according to their works and all whose names do not appear will be cast into the everlasting lake of fire which is hell (Rev. 20:10-15). All men are sinners, politicians included (Proverbs 20:9; Romans 3:23; 1 John 1:8-10). Years ago, while attempting to run for president, the news media really hit at candidate Newt Gingrich’ divorces, and they even claimed that he believed in open marriages, etc. Now if what the news media said was true, Newt was wrong to promote such things (Genesis 20:1-18; 1 Corinthians 7:1-4; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8; Hebrews 13:4).
But there’s an inconsistency which no one in the news media seem to catch on to. We saw the media try to defend gay marriage but not open marriage. However there is no authority in God’s word for gay marriage either (1 Peter 4:11; Gen. 2:18-25). God created one man and one woman as the subjects of marriage and warned us not to put that asunder (Gen. 2:18-25; Matthew 19:4-6). Since there is no authority from God for either, both open and gay marriages fall together (2 John 8-9; Rom. 7:1-3; Matt. 15:13-14). “There is no God.” The mere fact that men are burning for eternity is evidence that God is because He said evil men will be punished with Hell fire and so it will be (Matthew 10:28, 25:41-46).
“I’m not interested in religion.” When suffering in Hell fire, everyone will be concerned about being religious because they now realize such was the key for their escape from damnation. However, after death it will be too late! For as one dies, so will he be at the Judgement (John 8:21-24; Hebrew 9:27). “I know I’m going to Hell.” When alive, men took Hell lightly by making such statements as if it were all a game. But once the reality of eternal suffering begins, men will be saying, “Why didn’t I change my life when I had the chance?” (Luke 16:27-28). “No suffering in Hell.” There will be no Jehovah’s Witnesses teaching this false doctrine because all who will be there will indeed feel the pain (Matt. 13:38-42; Mark 9:43-48). |