Can man judge God? (Job 40:1-5). Can the creation challenge the Creator?
“Why have you done this or why have you made me this way?” (Romans 9:20-22). The answer is “no”! God is the creator of all things (Colossians 1:14-22). With that being the case, He is at liberty to do whatever He wants and in whatever way. Man cannot give himself life, and he is in no position to argue with his Maker. A man might be foolish enough to try and match wits with the Lord; but be assured that he will lose that debate (the book of Job, chapters 38, 39, and 40). There have been those who read the Bible and second guessed something which the Lord does, and that isn’t showing respect toward their Maker. God isn’t man, and He is above our thinking (1 Samuel 15:28-29; Job 9:32; Isaiah 55:7-9). How is it that a person can think they can correct God? I ask this question; “do you have a better way than God and if so, what is it?” God is sovereign, man isn’t, so we best attempt to understand God rather than challenge His ways. We will not only lose, but will be judged by the Lord on the Judgment Day for acting so foolishly (Hebrews 4:13; 1 Corinthians 4:5). Sometimes people will ask about a loved one who has died. They want to know if the person is in heaven? I don’t say anything about one who has passed, except they are in the hands of God who will judge them according to His word (Revelation 20:12; Acts 17:30-31). And that the Bible teaches those who obey the word will be saved (Matthew 7:21). But those who don’t will be lost (2 Thessalonians 1:6-10).
At funerals some preachers will pronounce the deceased “walking the streets of heaven with Jesus.” Now they don’t know that—all they are doing is talking a good game trying to get the grieving family to feel better. It certainly is our hope that the departed is safe in the arms of Jesus. But as we have said, we don’t know, and we need to keep our mouths shut and leave all else up to the Lord (Matt. 25:34,41). We can talk about the good things we remember about the person, comfort the living and also warn the living with the teaching of the gospel (Hebrews 4:9-13). Many say they wonder what God’s plan for their life is. Well, I will tell you. God is holy, and God wants everyone to have a relationship with Him, but that isn’t possible unless men become holy as well (1 Peter 1:13-16). So, I reply to men that God’s purpose for you is to become His child, to repent of your sins, and live as He wants you to (Micah 6:8; Acts 2:37-38, 3:19, 17:30; Job 1:8).
Many also say, “I wonder if I’m doing something wrong.” The answer to that is probably yes, you are doing something wrong. The word of God teaches that all men are sinners and in need of God’s grace (Romans 3:10-12:23). You are most likely in sin right now. The only way to avoid that is to understand that sin is doing things in violation of God’s law (1 John 3:1-10). After learning what sin is, don’t live your life doing things that go against God’s word. Know what the word of God condemns and avoid such, that way you will not be creating new sins. As for your past sins, I tell you what was told to Saul in Acts 22:16. “And now why do you delay? Get up, be baptized, and have your sins washed away, calling on His name.” The word of the Lord teaches that no one should commit murder (Matthew 5:21; Romans 14:9, 1:29; 1 Timothy 1:9; Galatians 5:21). Since the Lord is perfectly clear, why is man so disobedient? There are people today who will kill a person for not believing what they believe. It is bad every time we hear about it, but it is truly horrendous when this is done in the name of religion!
Consider what I say and don’t enter any religion that teaches such dogma. The doctrine is damnable and pitiful, and pathetic are the souls who would follow such teachings (2 Tim. 3:13). There is nothing wrong with evangelism, for Jesus himself did such (Mark 2:13). But when people refuse the message one must move on and allow others to live and let live (Acts 18:5-7). To kill someone because they won’t convert isn’t the work of the Lord, it is the work of Satan and all who do his work will go to Hell! |