A friend shared a story from China about a man who rode a bike for 30 days in the wrong direction. He was trying to go home, but ended up much farther away before he was stopped by some policemen. When they figured out where he was trying to go, they chipped in to buy him a ticket home. Can you imagine the frustration he must have felt when he realized he had traveled all that time going the wrong way? He said he had been given bad directions.
Spiritually speaking, how many people think they are traveling home, but are headed the wrong way? Fairly often I hear people say or post things that are not consistent with what the Bible teaches. Many have been given bad directions and appear to be traveling down the wrong path. But I confess it is very difficult for me to know how to point this out. Surely we would desire to be like the police officers who helped the man get to his destination, but that wouldn’t have been possible without first convincing him that he was going in the wrong way. When it comes to spiritual matters, the general reaction seems to be, “who are you to say I’m going the wrong way?” Or “it doesn’t matter, any path will do.” Even if it were true that “all roads lead to Rome.” One must be traveling in the right direction. I want to be on the right path. If I’m traveling the wrong way, I hope someone will be kind enough to tell me. Also, I love helping others find the right way. If anyone would like to discuss spiritual matters, I’ll make myself available any way that I can. “There is a way that seems right to a man, But the end is the way of death.” (Proverbs 14:12). Have you ever been offended? Hurts doesn’t it? But at some point you get over it and move on with your life until the next offense comes your way. Yes, we have breaks from being hurt and for that we are thankful.
But imagine what it would be like if you didn’t have breaks from being offended? What a horror it would be to have someone causing us regret 24 hours a day? No break from the misery and no end in sight of it going away? Wouldn’t that drive you crazy? Well, God is suffering just like that. He gets no rest from being offended. Sin offends God, and man is sinning every minute somewhere before His eyes (Proverbs 15:3; Genesis 6:5-6; Psalm 14:2-3, 7:11, 106:1-48). Let us stop tormenting God. Repent, stop sinning. Seek His ways and obey. If we don’t, God will have the last laugh, and He will get His comfort and revenge on Judgement Day because He will cast men into hell (Psalm 9:17; Jude 14-15). The church of the Lord preaches the Bible and not what is popular (Galatians 1:10). The world is always inventing new things and beliefs, but the church of the Lord pays no attention to that and just keeps on doing what is supposed to be done (2 Timothy 4:1-5).
When a question is asked, a Bible answer will be given and not what is politically correct or what some celebrity believes (Luke 10:25-26). God has protected the Bible and given it into the hands of men so it can be read (John 5:39). The Bible provides the way to save men from sin and help man to heaven—for it is all sufficient to do so (James 1:21. 2 Tim. 3:14-17). What kind of information can a non-believer offer that isn’t promoted by the word of God? The unbeliever might try, but he will end up copying his answer from something the word of God has said because nothing can beat what the scriptures teach (John 6:66-69). The Bible consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament, with the Old Testament being only for the Jews under Moses, and the New Testament being for people of today (2 Corinthians 3:6). The New Testament describes the church of Christ, and how men can be saved (Romans 16:16). Study the Old Testament to know the history of God dealings with Israel (Rom. 15:4). Study the New Testament to be able to recognize the Lord’s church from man churches (John 8:31-32; Matthew 7:15-20). |