Do all you can to avoid borrowing money from someone. I know that borrowing is required for major purchases like houses, cars, student loans, etc. But what I’m warning about is money between friends. etc. People co-sign for purchases that they really cannot take responsibility for, should the primary default the obligation. Friends loan money and their buddies say they will repay once “I get my income tax.”
With the passing of time, some borrowers seem to think a loan somehow, turns into a gift. Some borrowers claim harassment when the lender is simply trying to get back his due money. Fighting, cursing, threatening, and false accusations with all other kinds of bad behavior develops and everything becomes a train wreck in court. So be careful about lending and borrowing. Friends need to remain friends and not feel that they don’t have to pay back lenders or they can be slothful in doing so. If borrowing or lending; get a written contract, (nothing personal, it’s just business), and don’t get involve at all if you cannot afford the possible loss (Luke 16:5-8; 1 Corinthians 6:7; Proverbs 6:1-5). Hope you will visit the Mt. Airy church of Christ. There are things I wish people would do. I wish those things because the Bible (which is the word of God) teaches it is the right thing to do (Philippians 4:8-9). I wish all men would be responsible. Don’t create conditions that cause hardship. Look at the problems caused by those who father babies and don’t take care of them. All they do is drop babies all around town with different women. I wish women would be responsible and refuse to have sex (or commit fornication) with men who don’t love them or desire marriage (1 Corinthians 7:1-4). Quit having sex and throwing babies around because it isn’t responsible.
I wish that young people would make their schools better. Go to school with good behavior and refuse to be part of a group of hoodlums. They act out, curse teachers, get on buses being noisy, fighting and acting foolish in the neighborhoods. School is the place where students are to be educated and learn the things that will get them farther in life so they can contribute positively. I wish young men would be responsible by getting an honest job, study their books and walk around with their pants pulled up and not down on their butts showing their underwear. But on the bright side, there are responsible people and for that we are thankful. I just wish that responsible people would increase, and irresponsible people would decline. Any chance we can get that to happen? I’m sure wishing for it. The use of vulgarity just seems to be as common as breathing. People think in profane ways and their tongues are simply saying what their minds are full of (Matthew 15:19).
Unknown to users of profanity is the price that it will cost them, and I’m sure that once they hear the price; they won’t be able to afford it. There was a guy on the job name Paul who didn’t curse, and another fella asked him why? Paul replied that he doesn’t use profanity because it cost too much. The use of profanity demands a price, and many are in deep debt. The word of the Lord teaches that every idle word spoken, man will have to answer to the Lord (Matthew 12.36-37). Just think of a poor soul standing before God on judgment day, trembling and trying to explain why he used the name of God with the D word. Or, why he used the F bomb or added the F word to mother. etc. One will not have an answer that the Lord will accept and that person will be lost in Hell for eternality. Getting though the judgment of God is going to be bad enough; don’t add profanity to make it worst (Ecclesiastes 12:14; Hebrews 4:13). We keep having mass shootings where some person enters a populated area and opens fire upon the innocent people there. Most of these shooters commit suicide, but many have been gunned down by the police. We also have cities like Chicago, where being gunned down is a daily event; but so are many other towns.
Fire your bullets first and think about it later is the motto many have chosen. Repentance is a word that the Bible speaks a great deal about because only by repentance can a man gain relationship with God and others. Repentance means stop doing something and in the Bible case, it means evil (Matthew 3:2,8, 11:21, 12:41; Luke 13:3, 15:7, 17:3-4; Acts 2:38, 3:19, 8:22, 17:30, 26:20; 2 Corinthians 12:21; 2 Peter 3:9. In order to do better in this life, we must conform ourselves to what the word of the Lord teaches. It is only by repentance and turning our lives around can we get rid of the mess that we are experiencing in our world. The crime, the hate, the greedy motives, sexual harassment. etc. All of this stuff is because of sin and sin is because no repentance. We must repent and we hope to get everyone to start thinking about repentance (Jonah 3). If we can change one person with this writing, we have done something mighty good; for that will be one lest soul for Satan. Think of repentance! |