Whenever we see a picture of Satan in Hell, we see him in charge and telling demons to add more coal to the flames as tortured souls cry out in agony. But guess what? Nothing could be farther from the truth. That picture is drawn by man, because that is his thoughts on the matter. However, Jesus told us that Hell was made for Satan and his demons, but it can also accommodate us if we wish to go there. Matt 24:41.2 Pt 2:4. Psa 9:17. Jude 15-16. Matt 5:22. Mk 9:43-48. 2 Thess 1:6-10. Matt 23.33. Lk 12.5. Pro 7.27. Pro 27.20.
The word of God teaches that Satan must be punished for the evil he has brought upon this earth and that he will be tormented in the fires of hell forever. Rev 20:10. Don’t believe that the Devil sits in an office laughing at people who are suffering in torment. No, he will be joining all who suffer there. Do yourself a favor; don’t obey him. don’t listen to him, no need to join him. Eph 4.27. Eph 6.11. 2 Tim 2.26. Man cannot save himself by his own merit. Man is saved when obedience is rendered to the gospel of Christ. 1 Cor 15.1-4. Rom 1.16. 1 Pt 1:22-25. It will do no good to read these words and know that you need to do something about your condition. You need to act on it. Saul asked the Lord; what do you want me to do? The Lord told him to go into the city and it will be told what he needs to do. Acts 9:6. We say also to you; contact us and it will be told from the bible what you must do to be saved. Acts 16:29-34. Acts 2:37-47. Acts 10:30-48. With all the talk about rogue priests, you might be interested in this Bible information.
Under the old testament we see those of the Levite tribe being priests for the Israelites. They were responsible for the care of the temple, animal offerings, the ark of the covenant and they received no land as other tribes. Numbers chapters 3 and 18.. Hebrews chapter 7. It’s different in the new Testament, because Christ died on the cross for all and no animal sacrifice is needed because Jesus blood covers everything. Heb 9:11-28. Heb 10:1-20 With that being the case, all Christians are priests. 1 Pet 2:9-10. All Christians offer to God (not as it was in the old testament with sacrifice of animals) but rather their works of service.. None of this is taught in the catholic church. Instead groups of men are selected to be priests and they don’t marry. The doctrine of the priests as found in the Catholic church is a different doctrine. Which means you cannot read about it in the Bible. So, there you have it! Two examples of priests in the bible under different testaments. And one currently made up by men and unknown to the word of the Lord. Mark 7:7. Matt 15:7-14. There are houses that are wrong and houses that are right. Psa 119:86-105. Jos 24:15.
Acts 16:30-33. With that being said, we ask. “Is your house right?” Just in case you haven’t any clues as to what makes a house right, listen to this. If you are male; do you show God fearing leadership which directs the family correctly? Does your house go to church on Sunday? Have you obeyed the gospel, by being baptized for the forgiveness of sins? Acts 2:38. Acts 22:16. Are you married to the woman in your house? Are your children born into a legal marriage? Are you having bible classes at home teaching the children how to behave and to become productive citizens? Do you have fits of rage, swearing, smoking, drinking, hanging out in the streets and your children know? Once again I ask; “Is your house right?” Many problems come from bad houses where no one is teaching or doing what is right. So I ask; Is your house a breeding ground for the future problems of the city? There are hundreds of people in Mexico walking toward the U S border with the hopes of entering this country. The U S government has told them to turn back because they will not be allowed to invade the country.
But they don’t turn back; they keep coming despite the warning. These people refuse to listen, because they have nothing to lose. They are fleeing bad countries where the government has failed themand being there offers no hope and possible death. So they have nothingto lose by pressing on. I don’t fault these people for trying to get a better life. However, people must do things the right way and marching into another country by force isn’t the way. Many are currently applying for citizenship the right way by going by the process. But those countries that won’t stop criminals from threatening their own citizens and won’t provide a decent life for their own citizens; while the leadership of those oppressed lands lives high on the hog. Those lands need to have something done about them. Their own citizens will walk hundreds of miles in the desert, jump on boats and sail across sea’s because their government won’t protect or provide for them as citizens. The word of God teaches governments are supposed to take care of their citizens so that they won’t have to feel that they must take death defying odds to find a better life. Roman 13:1-7. The leaders of these nations that have failed their people will answer to God on the Judgment Day. Eccl 12:13-14. |