Can man judge God? Job 40:1-5. I mean can the thing created challenge the Creator
by saying; “Why have you done this or why have you made me this way?” Rom 9:20-22. The answer is “no”. God exists and He is the creator of all things. Col 1:14-22. With that being the case, He is at liberty to do whatever He wants and in whatever way He desires. Man who cannot even give himself life, is in no position to argue with his Maker. A man may be foolish enough to try and match wits with the Lord, but be assured that man will lose the debate. The book of Job, chapters 38, 39, and 40. There have been those who read the Bible and then second guess something which the Lord does and that isn’t showing respect to their Maker. For God isn’t man and He is above our thinking. 1 Sam 15:28-29. Job 9:32. Isa 55:7-9. How is it that a person would do such a thing like correcting God? I ask this question, “do you have a better way then God, and if so, what?” God is God and man is man, so we best attempt to understand God and not challenge His ways. We will not only lose, but will be judged by the Lord on the Judgement Day for acting so foolishly. Heb 4:13. 1 Cor 4:5.
Saving for a rainy day, is supported by the word of God.
Just look at the example of the young man who got his inheritance and wasted it on partying. Luke 15:11-13. Had he not done so, money would have been left for him to live on. Luke 15:14-17. The Bible teaches wise men will have money in their accounts, while foolish blow it. Pro 21:20, Eph 4:28, teaches men to work and have surplus funds to help those in need. In Matt 25:27, the lazy servant could have put his Master money in the bank, so it could gain interest. But he didn’t. Jesus taught that we should “count the cost” before doing anything, and that certainly can be applied to the use of money. Money isn’t something that we should be in love with. It can’t be taken with us at death. Matt 6:19-21. 1 Tim 6:7-10. Job 1:21. Psa 49:15-20. But that doesn’t mean we waste our money and not be able to pay rent. Eccl 11:1-2. A lot of people enjoy getting drunk; they consider it a relaxing time, a reward, etc. I don’t agree. Here are the reasons I don’t get drunk. First of all the word of God said don’t do it. Eph 5.18. I also like to know what is going on around me, if I’m drunk, that will not the case. Gen 9.20-24. Gen 19.30-36. Another reason is people can take advantage of a drunk person. I’m talking about rape, robbery, being framed for a crime, etc. Pro 23.29-35 To get into that kind of trouble over drinking, just isn’t worth it. I will get my enjoyment from something which isn’t condemned by the word of the Lord. 1 Peter 3.10-12. A man and woman get married and then plan to have children.
By planning, the financial and emotional ability will be present in both, thereby making child rearing a joy and not a hardship. Because they want to be a good example, they aren’t control by liquor and don’t use drugs. When it comes to education, the parents turn the tv off and help the children do homework. This couple also attend parent teacher meetings. Because children are in the house, they recognize that using profanity will not set a good example for their children to follow. Good parents don’t fight in front of the children or bear grudges against each other. Good parents won’t badmouth each other to their children. If you have children at home, these are a few good points to consider. Pro 22.6. |
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