Can anyone provide Bible proof that the world is supposed to celebrate Christ's birthday? If you can produce the information that shows such in the Bible, then we will consider it truth. John 6.63. John 17.17. If you cannot produce information from the Bible; we will have to conclude that it is the doctrine of men. The doctrine of men does not come from scripture, it comes from the minds of men and it is taught throughout the world. Where is the authority for Dec 25th to be considered the birth of Christ? It's certainly not in the Bible. So once again we see the doctrine of men creating things and pushing it as Bible. Now for those of you who will read this and say ‘oh they're just being a Scrooge’. No, we're not being a Scrooge. We're just asking a question everyone should be concerned about. I am not talking about the commercial aspect of Christmas, the lights the presents, the food, time off from your job, etc. I am talking about the religious aspect of this holiday as being a celebration of the birth of Christ. Where is it in the Bible? If anyone can provide biblical information, we will conclude that it is the word of God. If people cannot meet this request; we will have to conclude it as the doctrine of men. Mark 7.7
The Lord and Satan are both looking for people to fill vacant ranks. Requirements are as
follows. With the Lord, repentance is required. Repentance means stopping things and starting new things. A person must be ready to surrender to the will of Christ and live as His word commands. Payment will come at some date in the future and will be a lump sum of a place called Heaven, where eternal life and everlasting happiness will reign supreme. Luke 13.3. Matt 3.8 Mk 10.28-30. 2 Tim 4.7-8. John14.1-2. With Satan, repentance isn’t required. One has the choice to live life in any manner desired. One doesn’t have to take any commands, just live anyway you want, say whatever you want, do whatever you want and believe as you want. Payment will come at some date in the future, it will be a lump sum of a place called Hell. The payment of Hell will be eternal separation from God into a place of horror and darkness, where people will be in pain and hopelessness. Matt 25.41-46. Matt 13.42-43 Thess 1. 7-10. Which position have you applied for? A man of faith running for public office is often targeted with questions pertaining to his beliefs and how such will effect his job performance. First, anyone running for public office would be insane to refuse help from God. 1 Kings 9:2-7. But understand this, God is going to help those who are faithful to Him. Psa 34:8-17. If a President wants help from God, he must be doing what is pleasing to God. There is no way, God will bless a President who is passing laws that conflict with His word. Pro 14:34. Pro 11:11 Psa 33:10-22. 1 Kings 15:25-26. 1 Kings 16:29-34.
If homosexuality, abortion, and state lotteries are contrary to the laws of God; then no person of faith can be in approval of such. Because a man of faith is to live what he knows is right in the eyes of God. 2 Chr 26:3-5. The President must have the best interest of the nation in mind if he vetoes bills that establish sinful practices. 2 Kings 18:1-8. Our nation is supposed to be a Christian nation, founded upon religious principles. So why do we get angry and suspicious of people with morals? Could it be most of us have no morals and we are threaten by those who do? Years ago the DA of this town spoke of preventing young children from becoming criminals by having classes in elementary school promoting good behavior, morals and responsibility. He felt it best to work with children while they are at a young ripe age, steering them in the path of right, before they get indoctrinated by ungodly parents, neighbors, or other evil people.
This man is correct is his assessment. However, it is a crying shame that so many parents, neighbors, and others who are daily with young ones, don’t set a good example. If a parent or some person does evil in the presence of a child, he will be influenced by the actions of those who commit the sin in his presence. The D A of a city, shouldn’t have to figure out ways to save the future children,. parents should be doing that and they will answer to God, as to why they didn’t. Eccl 12;1. Pro 22:6. Rom 14:12 |
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