A number of the recent editorial pages of the Commonwealth Journal have included letters from some who have attempted to justify the television program “Queer Eye” along with the homosexual sex it advocates. Even worse, some of these writers would have us believe that God and His Bible justify homosexual sex also. They are wrong.
The premise of these pro-homosexual sex writers has been quite clear: “No one has the right to judge a person of a different sexual practice as being morally wrong.” Or in other words, “Thou SHALT engage in any kind of sexual lifestyle you choose.” “Thou SHALT Engage In Any Kind Of Sex,” Is Not True Legally But legally this is not true. Though there are people who do not like it, having sex with consenting children (pedophilia) is still illegal. Having sex with dead bodies (necrophilia) is still illegal. Having sex with animals (bestiality) is still illegal. Having sex with (being married to) two legal wives at the same time (bigamy) is still illegal. Etc. Still, we often hear it said, “But you cannot legislate morality.” It is certainly true that having laws does not make one moral, per se. But while some may not like it, you cannot have a civil law system without an inherent legislation of morality to a large degree. For the very nature of the rule of law,” which all countries’ legal systems are built upon, is certainly intended and designed to set limits on human behavior and restrain immorality. (Romans 13:1-4) Our country’s legal system was built upon the teaching of the Bible. “Thou shalt not kill,” “Thou shalt not steal,” etc. (Rom. 13:9) are at the heart of our legal system, and they certainly legislate morality whether people obey them or not! So unless we have degenerated into a country of atheists, what we should all be concerned about is whether our legal system here, and throughout America, is reflecting the morality of God! (Romans 13:1-7; Proverbs 14:34) “Thou SHALT Engage In Any Kind Of Sex,” Is Not True Morally or Biblically. Yet more important than a country’s legal system, is the fact that God has plainly told us we are spiritually and morally obligated to live by His “Thou SHALT NOTS” (Rom. 13:9). Therefore what the pro-homosexual writers have advocated is both on political / legal grounds, as well as upon moral grounds, not only wrong, it also constitutes both political and moral rebellion. Concerning the morality of God contained in His Bible, the issue of homosexual sex and any other kinds of perverted sex is plain. In 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 God specifically condemns immoral practices, one of which is called “abusers of themselves with mankind” in the KJV (only one word in the Greek, arsenokoites). The newer translations translate this “homosexuals,” which is the modern English term for arsenokoites. Elsewhere God condemns what is translated “fornication” in Galatians 5:19-21 and other places. This word in the original Greek is porneia, and means “every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse” (Gingrich & Danker’s N. T. Greek Lexicon, p. 693). This means God does not “pick on” homosexuals as some people would have us believe. Instead, God righteously and consistently condemns “every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse.” And for those who like to claim “Jesus never condemned homosexual sex,” observe that in Matthew 15:19-20 He certainly did, where “fornications” translates porneia in its plural form. Let’s be open about the issue of homosexual sex that these writers are both endorsing and cheerleading for. What is it? It is the practice of either men having sex with men or women having sex with women. These writers would have us believe that this sexual activity is morally okay and that no one may condemn it. But are they going to be consistent with their views expressed here concerning sexuality? You see there are people who practice other kinds of sexual activity who want the exact same social and political acceptance that homosexuals do. Some people engage in sex with other men’s wives or other women’s husbands (adultery). Some people engage in sex with consenting little children (pedophila: example, NAMBLA (the North American Man-Boy Love Association). Some people engage in sex with animals (bestiality, an example of which was reported locally not long ago). Some people engage in sex with dead bodies (necrophilia, an example of which was the well-known Jeffry Dahmer). These people could claim just like homosexuals do, to be “born” with those kinds of sexual orientation. And they all want to have the same political, social, and moral acceptance, such as the present writers are willing and even desirous to extend to the homosexuals. But does their desire for such things make any of them right in either their assertions or their sexual practices? Or does it mean that those of us who follow God and His condemnations against such sexual practices are being evil and abusive people? Certainly not! Everybody Draws A Line, But By What Standard?No one I am aware of justifies all human behaviors. Fact is, everybody draws a line between human behaviors based upon some specific dividing line or standard of authority. Some do based upon mere human standards. For example, some decide right and wrong based upon a majority opinion (if a majority of people differ from you then you are wrong). Some decide right and wrong based upon their feelings (if they like it, it is okay). Some decide right and wrong based upon external circumstances (if I am poor I can steal, etc.). Some decide right and wrong based upon whatever keeps their own behavior out of trouble (in which case they justify lying, adultery, etc.). But all these human standards vary from person to person, and provide no safe objective standard which is fair to all people. Others, myself included, decide right and wrong based upon God’s authority (the Bible, John 17:17). After all, God is our Creator (Gen. 1:1), and He has specifically told us His Word is the standard by which all human behavior will ultimately be judged (John 12:48; 2 Cor. 5:10). Therefore, unless we are atheists (which would be another discussion, for I assume here that most of us are not), this is the moral standard by which our decisions of right and wrong must be made (James 2:12). Accordingly, all immoral behaviors must be condemned by all (Eph. 5:11), and “repented” of by the guilty parties (Acts 17:30), to be right with God. The pro-homosexual writers therefore need to inform us how they may consistently affirm that homosexual sex is somehow okay, but that adultery, bestiality, pedophilia, necrophilia and the like are wrong. I have never met the first person who could do this, but it is a fair and reasonable challenge. So what about it, are these other sexual practices right? If not, please tell us why and by what moral standard you have drawn the line against being accepting of them? We need to know so we can be responsible people, because these other sexual practitioners are already fighting for and pleading for the acceptance of their lifestyles just like the homosexuals are. But remember one important matter, once you throw acceptance of the Bible as God’s Law (James 2:12) and morality (1 Cor. 6:9-10; Gal. 5:19-21; Rev. 21:8) out the door, no true supreme or objective standard remains (John 17:17) to limit human behavior of any sort or kind. In that tragic scenario, anything, I mean anything, goes. No human behavior could be objectively condemned as “sin” (Rom. 6:23), whether it be murder, rape, stealing, and the whole lot of evils. We have no hatred for or intent to abuse any sinner, and we believe in being fair and honest with all our fellowmen. But we will not stand idly by while God and His Bible morality are falsely represented as justifying homosexual sex or any other kind of perverted immoral behaviors. It should also be pointed out that the producers of the pro-homosexual television program “Queer Eye” correctly name the practice of homosexual sex. It is, as they say, “queer,” (different from God’s moral norm). Thus, if homosexuals are within their rights to call themselves and the sex they practice “Queer” (and they are), those who would have it to be politically incorrect for others to call them and their sex by the same name are inconsistent and wrong. We may correctly refer to homosexuals by the same names and descriptions they call themselves. Though homosexual sex may have some defenders, it has absolutely no defense! ~Willie Ramsey |
December 2019