We are living in an age when men will seek ways to avoid fundamental principles which have founded righteousness in the hearts of souls since God gave His inspired word to the world. With liberal minded people increasing and confronting those who stand for the truth, we are introduced to a whole new set of hermeneutics, established by the liberals to further their cause and lead the unknowing astray. But in the Judgment when man stands before the throne of God, he will eat crow from the hand of Jesus Christ. That will be true because the word spoken by the Lord transends time and it is fitted to last forever. So, it is foolish to say that the Bible is not good for us today.
Intolerance is defined as “having no respect nor place for that which has the right to exist.” During the past decade, we have seen the promoters of the gay lifestyle use this word to condemn anyone who doesn’t share their view. Defending the so-called right to be gay is a major division in our land because men refuse to accept what the Bible teaches. If men accepted the word of the Lord, this issue wouldn’t even had made it out of someone’s mouth, much less “out of the closet.” The Bible teaches that in the beginning God created male and female and at the end of His work, He said that all was good (Genesis 1:31). During the flood, God told Noah to take male and female animals into the ark, so they could populate the earth once the flood was over (Gen. 7:1-3). God also said in earlier times that each species is to produce after its kind (Gen. 1:20-25). So it is clear that God intends for relationships to be male and female and that is so simple, one would have to want to miss it, in order to miss it. But that wouldn’t be anything new because men have always sought out ways that are wrong (Ecclesiastes 7:29; Romans 3:10-13). And here is another thing to really think about. No promoter of homosexual acts came into existence by the lifestyle which they are advocating. That’s right, they all have or had, mothers and fathers. That is how every gay advocate got here. And as a matter of fact, if everyone became gay tomorrow, all human life would cease to exist within 100 years. One of the strongest arguments against the homosexual way is the fact that it cannot produce life. Homosexuals cannot do so because God hasn’t authorized their way of life and since the Father didn’t authorize it that way must have come from man and has no right to exist (Psalm 127:1). Now we come to the word, Discrimination. If a thing is wrong and someone opposes it, how can that person be intolerant? A drug dealer yelling intolerance or discrimination because his life is being opposed has it all wrong. He is being challenged because what he is doing is against the law. I do think most people would disagree that selling drugs is wrong. Homosexual behavior is wrong also because it is against God’s law and it will remain wrong because God didn’t create it (Matthew 19:4-6; Gen. 2:18-25; Proverbs 18:22; Romans 1:24-32). Those who believe what God said about human relationships is attempting to get this liberal minded world to return back to the principles given to us as human beings (Hebrews 13:4; 1 Corinthians 11:1-3; Ephesians 5:22-26; 1 Peter 3:1-7; Titus 2:2-5; 1 Timothy 5:14). With all this talk about discrimination and intolerance, one will not be able to, or will have a hard time correcting those in the wrong, because everyone will be yelling discrimination. There is a such thing as right and wrong. And the Bible is the source by which man is to know right from wrong (John 8:31-32). The Bible teaches that a man having sex with a man is wrong—it is a sin. And when correcting those who are not in harmony with the scriptures, a person is not judging. God has already passed judgment on that act, and the person sounding the warning is simply advising the offender of what God has said (Ezekiel 3:16-21; Acts 20:25-27). Preachers are like Jonah the prophet who cried that Nineveh will be destroyed in 40 days (Jonah 3:4). Now Jonah wasn’t intolerant or discriminating, he was simply making the necessary correction to a city which had gone astray into sin (Jonah 3:6-10). Now man should be intolerant of sin because sin will keep man out of heaven (John 8:21; Eph. 4:27; Psalm 66:18; Romans 6:12-13). The word “intolerance” has been hijacked by the homosexual promoters who want to use it to farther their cause and this ought not be. Next, is a term called “on the wrong side of history.” Gay advocates hope to get a person looking at the numbers giving in to their agenda and believe that it the right way since so many are giving in to it. Therefore that will be the future of the nation and anyone who doesn’t jump on board will be left behind—not a part of the new movement in the record books. You know what? People also believed that Noah was on the wrong side of history. A crazy man building a big boat on dry ground. But no, Noah wasn’t on the wrong side of history because he didn’t drown! (1 Peter 3:20). By reading the word of the Lord, man will learn not to follow a belief because the masses are doing so. He will learn that the masses for the most part are wrong because they are traveling on the devil’s highway to Hell (Matthew 7:13-14). Next is the word Equality. If you are a man, you have the God given right to a female as your wife. If you are a woman, you have the God given right to a male for your husband (1 Corinthians 7:1-4; Gen. 1:26-31). This is what the Creator said and this union works because it is compatible in all points making it is equal. Male on male, female on female, is not equality. It is perversion. It is a like a left glove on a right hand, it doesn’t work because it is not what the Creator established (Leveticus 18:22-30). Sodom was destroyed because of the acceptance of homosexuality along with other sins (Jude 7; Matthew 11:23-24). God created marriage and ordained the subjects who are to be in it and those subjects are male and female. May I remind us that the phrase “what God has joined together, let not man put asunder” is being destroyed by the advocates of gay marriage (Matt. 19:65-66). Do your soul a big favor and don’t join them in this sin (1 Timothy 5:22). The word Homophobia. With this word, gay advocates hope to scare away critics by having them think that speaking out against homosexuality is a fear of gays. But nothing could be farther from the truth. Faithful men speak out against all kinds of sin, and they do so because that is what preachers do (Isaiah 58:1). Preachers of the gospel have no phobia of thieves, drug dealers, child molesters, profane people, etc. These are brave faithful men taking the law of God to a lost and dying world in order to save souls. We teach against the gay lifestyle because it is wrong, and souls are at stake. It’s no phobia. It is a realization of the existence of sin and trying to get men to repent and return to what God established (Luke 13:3). Next are those Churches that okay homosexuality. There is a such thing as false teaching, false churches, etc. (2 Peter 2:1-3). When a church establishes that which is in violation of the word of God, that church is in error and is leading its members to hell (2 John 8-9; Galatians 1:6-10). The Bible has clearly defined homosexual acts as sinful (Romans 1:20-32). And a crooked church, which is trying to please man and support the current trend, will not teach what the Bible said, but will give in to what the masses wish to hear and such is the case with these religious bodies that make this sin appear respectable (2 Tim. 4:1-4; 1 John 3:4; Isaiah 5:20-21; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Jude 7; Luke 16:15). Now comes the gay gene theory. There is no such thing as this, and it is amazing that people have been doped into believing it. The Bible teaches that man has been made upright and that means sinless at birth (Ecclesiastes 7:29). If a person is created homosexual, that person is created a sinner. However, if a person allows himself to be influenced by the current trend and philosophy of today, he will take up the “born that way theory” which has been created by man to gain more followers for the gay cause. Too many people are caught up in all the gay theories, and they are immersed in it rather then the word of God. My purpose in writing this article is to simply tell it like it is from the source, which is the word of Almighty God. I hope it will cause someone to open their eyes and to escape from the Devil’s deceit which is sweeping across the world (2 Timothy 2:24-26; Jude 21-23). ~James Baker |
December 2019