We live in times that are liken to the days that we read of in Judges 21:25, where people had no knowledge of God and everyone did what looked right in his own eyes.
I remind mankind that we have a Creator, and He dwells in heaven where no man can reach Him, and He will not physically show Himself to man because He wants man to develop a relationship with Him which is founded on faith (Hebrews 11:6). The book the Bible, is His book given to mankind so that man can read it and come to know what is required by the Creator. But that is the problem! No one wants to do what they ought to be doing. Man must accept the Bible as God’s word and conform his life to it’s principles. And why not? Man cannot offer anything outside the Bible when it involves character, that is better than what the word of God has taught (Deuteronomy 4:8). I challenge anyone to show otherwise. These days, people are no where within 50 miles of God. There are people who don’t know who Jesus Christ is. They say he is a prophet, a great teacher, a man, anything but who He truly is (Matthew 16:13-14). Peter said it correctly, for he said Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God come into the world to save men’s souls (Matt. 16:15-16; John 6:67-69). The Bible is to be the only book with the claim of God’s word; but instead we have other books copying off the Bible attempting to be the word of God. Common sense should alert us that several books claiming to be from the same God cannot give conflicting messages. For example, the Koran, the book of Mormon and the Bible don’t teach the same thing and anyone who claims to believe in all three will find himself at odds with every step taken and all sides of his existence. Mankind should be brought up from childhood with Bible teaching and make every personal decision based on what the scriptures teach. In every home the word of God should be taught so that the conduct of those leaving the home will reflect godly behavior on the streets, schools, workplace and any other place. Yes, good behavior is to be learned at home. Teaching sons and daughters to do the right thing and to produce good for the world is the responsibility of the parents and when the children enter the schools, the teachers should see these godly virtues already installed in the student. The teachers are to build upon the foundation already established from the home training that the parents have given. Teachers are there to teach academic courses not morals. Instead we have the teachers carrying the burden of academic’s and being a parent too. This is the case because we have too many ungodly empty-headed males and females who don’t have the sense God gave a worm, out there creating children! Yes, these males and females coudn’t take care of a pet mouse, much less human babies! Sad part is, there is a end in sight and communties continue to deal with this blemish of society. Another bad sign of how far mankind has fallen, is the marriage issue. Who would have ever thought that mankind would attempt to redefine marriage which was created by God and given to man as male and female (Matt. 19:4-6). There is no such thing as “marriage equality.” This is a false term created by advocates of the false doctrine of “same sex marriage.” This false doctrine has been promoted by the White House, false churches, heathens, and has deceived masses of people. Marriage has always been equal since God ordained it, and marriage works because God has a man helping the woman and the woman helping the man (1 Corinthians 11:8-12). The false doctrine endorsed by some muslims also needs to be avoided. The doctrine to “kill those who disagree and make the whole world Islamic,” is false. Jesus Christ wanted to save everyone on earth, but He knew that such would not be the case because not everyone would accept his message. Jesus welcomed those who welcomed his message and for those who refused Him. He left them alone. He didn’t create bombs and blow them up. The world today is full of devils doing this kind of work in Satan name. To all young men out there, refuse this false doctrine and stay away from gatherings where some speaker is endorsing this evil dogma. Accept the truth from the Bible instead. All this information is the message from the word of God and if men knew God there could be much more of good stuff happening. ~James Baker |
December 2019