Many will be finishing the 12th grade this year and embarking on a new life for themselves. First let me say that is great! A son or daughter should aspire to leave mom and dad and established their own place in the world. No son or daughter should be voluntary staying in the home that they grew up in.
I know with our economy that many have been forced to stay with their parents, and that is understandable. However, with that being said, no son or daughter should be content remaining under daddy roof. Instead, they should be looking for every chance to get out and become responsible for themselves. I remind those adults living in their parents house that your father and mother aren’t living in their parents house. Because if they were, there would be no room for you. Your parents found a way, and they got out and established their place, and it is about time that you did the same. In the Bible we have great examples from the Old Testament to the New Testament where people left their parents and went out and became their own man or their own woman (Genesis 4:16, 12:1-5; Matthew 19:5; Ephesians 5:31). So with this article, I want to present some points from the word of God which can help a young adult to walk the straight path and avoid the pitfalls which ensnare those who don’t pay attention to the word of God (Proverbs 1:20-33). Plan your move Don’t just jump up and move and don’t throw your hand in with others who claim to be moving; unless you are sure about those people. Leaving home is a huge step, and it is a step that you must do correctly because you will suffer for a rash move. Do research about the job, the living quarters, the roommates, rent, utilities, etc. (Prov. 20:25). Be certain you can perform the job, afford the apartment and that you can live on your own. It will take certain things to be successful, and you must make sure that you can do those things. So plan well and don’t rush into anything. As the Lord said, “count the cost” (Luke 14:28-33). Don't forget about God How anyone can make plans for the future and leave God out is beyond any scratch of reason. The Bible teaches man to put the Kingdom of heaven first and to acknowledge the ways of God in all doings (Matt. 6:33; Prov. 3:5-7). One should ask, will there be a church that I can attend? Will I carry the teachings of Jesus with me and use those principles to make my decisions? Will I be strong enough to shun the challenges of temptations that Satan will throw my way? (Prov. 1:10-19). A good example was set by Daniel, because he was far away from his native home; but he purposed within himself not to offend the God of heaven (Daniel 1:8). So go ahead with your plans to move out and set a new life for yourself. However, as Daniel did, so do you. Purpose in your heart not to sin against God. Educate yourself about your job How well do you know the work which you have been hired to do? Have you been trained for that work and are you capable of performing at a good level? Man’s work speaks for him and a sorry job performance is evidence of a sorry person. So make sure that you know the work and that you can perform it well. The word of God teaches us to do our work as if we were working for God (Colossians 3:22-25). Make sure you can afford the rent How can one say that he has his own place; but cannot afford to be there? This isn’t Daddy paying the bills, and you just staying there. You are now in the big show and if you are an adult, prove it by being able to keep a roof over your head, food on the table and the utilities going (Eph 4:28. 1 Corinthians 4:12). Make sure you can manage money wisely Getting a paycheck and spending it within the hour is a train wreck. No person can be successful by blowing money. Remember the foolish young man in Luke 15:13:30 who left home with lots of money, but came back broke. The money you make must pay for bills and money for God must always come off the top (Matt. 6:33). When God see that, He will bless you to do better, so don’t waste your money. Pay the Lord first, then bills and after that you can decide what to do with the rest. Have transportation Jesus and His disciples walked a lot and used boats and probably rented wagons from time to time. What I’m telling you is the Lord didn’t sit around complaining about having no ride or that no one was offering him one. Jesus found ways to get where He needed and you must do the same. Don’t depend on others for your transportation. Be independent and devise your own way to get around. If you have no car, don’t live in a place where no public transportation is available. Don’t have children You aren’t married, so leave the producing of offspring for the marriage folk (Hebrews 13:4; 1 Timothy 5:14). Children outside marriage is the result of fornication and those who do this sin will go to hell if no repentance is done (1 Cor. 6:13-18). So don’t get yourself into having children, just concentrate on establishing yourself as a person. Get the job, the apartment, get a checking and saving account, get a car, get yourself established and don’t throw yourself off track by having a child and not be married. Thereby creating a major problem that will upset your goals and drain your wallet. Be safe, be healthy One of the things that destroys young adults is not properly eating and sleeping. Don’t let that happen to you. Since your parents aren’t around to see that you eat right and get rest; you must take up that task and do so. Care for your own body by getting exercise and eating right, go to bed at the right time. Don’t be wandering out in the streets alone at night where you could become the victim of a robbery. Make safety a top priority and you will do well for yourself (John 11:12; 1 Samuel 14:24-30; 1 Tim. 4:8; Acts 9:22-25). Bad boyfriend or girlfriend Having relations with all those women destroyed King Solomon relationship with God (1 Kings 11:1-13). Samson saw God’s plans for him derailed by his relationship with the evil Delilah (Judges 16:4-31). Solomon said that it would be better to live in the woods then with a no good woman in a huge house (Prov. 21:9). So it is very important that when you do seek the opposite sex, that you settle for someone who is equal in character (1 Sam. 16:7). One can do bad all by him or herself and have no one to point a finger at. When with another person you expect to be enhanced by the relationship and not grieved by it. If the relationship causes you concern, one must consider why are they in it in the first place. So don’t just settle for anyone, settle for the right one. ~James Baker |
December 2019