The woman who said this was looking for love among men who have no respect for God. Men who talk a lot of smack, but are liars, thieves, cheaters, and just lazy living off the female. Such is like looking for snow in the desert, and if a man has no respect for God; that man isn’t gonna have any respect for her. This woman choice of men was very poor and when a woman sits at a shady bar or some other questionable location, she will attract questionable responses.
If a woman wants to find a good man she needs to find out where good men are. Good men are found in the place that produces good men and that place is church (James 1:17). Now, some may laugh at the mention of church because of bad experiences they have seen from church going people. But I’m not speaking of any church, I’m speaking of the church that teaches truth and stands on truth (John 8:31-32, 17:17). The Bible teaches that a good man is one who studies and practices the law of God continually (Psalm 1:1-3). Such a man isn’t a hypocrite, but takes his faith seriously (James 1:21-25). He will respect his lady friend because the principles of God’s word teach him to do so (1 Timothy 5:1-3; Colossians 3:12-15; Ephesians 5:28). If all men are dogs, logic leads us to the conclusion that all men aren’t living right. Also, it would mean that no men will go to heaven, only women will be there, because the men lived as dogs while on earth and there’s no salvation for dogs (Revelation 22:7). And how can a woman say, “all men”? There are men she hasn’t met yet and one of those men, could quite possibly be her prince charming. Unless a person has met “all” one shouldn’t use the word “all.” There are good men out there, but women will have to be smart enough to recognize appreciate these fine fellows. On the flip side, either should a man say “all women are dogs.” Such simply is not true, there are good women on earth and if men will go where the good women are, they will find them. No woman should go to church just to meet a man. A woman should go to church in order to save her soul and meeting a man should be secondary. If a woman goes to a church and there are no single men, she shouldn’t leave that church. If she has come in contact with the truth, that is more valuable then having 100 men. She needs to stay there and continue to learn truth and the people of that church can pray with and help her in some way to meet a man at another faithful place. The members of that church will also be passing along to her other Biblical wisdom as well. Long ago, God said He would spare Sodom and Gomorrah if ten good people could be found there (Genesis 18:32). History shows us such wasn’t the case because fire and brimstone rained down from heaven and burnt up those cities (Genesis 19:24-25). Today, the world continues to stand because of the righteous people who live here (2 Peter 3:9). Yes, there are good men on the Earth right now, because they hold up the earth (Prov. 14:34, 16:7, 12:28, 11:11; Gen. 30:27). Dogs don’t hold up anything. ~James Baker Comments are closed.
December 2019